Monday, February 25, 2013

Cancer and My Marriage

Note: Ask any survivor about side-effects or working with an oncologist and you’ll receive a notebook’s worth of helpful information. Ditto for managing cancer on the job or with children. But ask them about their relationship and you’re apt to hear variations on this theme, “He never blinked,” or “He really showed me how strong a man he truly is.” In other words, you’re not apt to hear what it’s truly like for some women. While we celebrate relationships where love’s better nature rules, it’s also time to honestly share the kind of stress cancer and its associated treatment brings to many two-income families where jobs, children, carpools and chemotherapy all need to be balanced in the course of a day. I was asked by a woman whom I admire to publish this essay here. It is my honor to do so.

 --- Jody Schoger

I never thought I would write an anonymous blog post.

Nonetheless, here I am, writing about cancer’s impact on my marriage after my late-night Google searches only yielded stories of marital triumph, replete with images of the devoted spouse proffering a tender kiss on his partner’s bald head. My hope is that the next despondent, lonely cancer patient might feel a little less crazy reading my story

I love my husband and do not want to be disloyal to him. I will remain strategically vague on some details and alter others to shield my family’s privacy. We have had the kind of marriage people say they can bet on. Single friends confess that they hope to find a partnership like ours. Obviously, things are always messier on the inside, but we undoubtedly share a strong love for and commitment to one another.

When I was diagnosed we’d been married with children for more than a decade. Like every couple we had our strengths and weaknesses. We were strong in the communication department, which allowed us to navigate the transitions of parenthood, moves and job changes.

Even with these strengths at our disposal, nothing challenged our relationship like my cancer diagnosis. I was in treatment for almost a year, with follow-up drugs and surgeries that impacted my quality of life for a prolonged long period of time, far longer than either one of us expected. I had chemo, a mastectomy and radiation which was then followed by a series of reconstructive surgeries. All the while, I held down a job, tried to help raise my children and hold things together.

Our marital glue was communication, adventure, and sex. Chemobrain wiped out my ability to communicate, especially about emotional issues. Strong emotions made me queasy, leading me to shut down even more. Also, my forgetfulness was a constant source of frustration to my husband, who came to treat me like one of the children, nagging and cajoling me.

The painful truth was that he wasn’t totally off-base in doing this. He had to keep the household together, and I was falling apart. As for adventure, it is hard to be spontaneous when you are immunocompromised, nauseated and unprepared for the undertow of fatigue that can pull you in and wipe you out. And of course, our sex life was horribly disrupted. Given the length of our relationship and the presence of children, we were surprisingly regular in our sexual activity. Chemo brought on chemical menopause; the mastectomy took away a critical erogenous zone and left me with profound loss of body confidence. Radiation, for me, was painful and a complete energy drain. All this together is the opposite of sexy.

I have read accounts of the sympathetic, supportive husbands who wait patiently for a partner to heal. My husband was like this probably two-thirds of the time. But he is only human. All the things I couldn’t do he did ... from driving carpools, cleaning the house, doing laundry, communicating with teachers, mediating sibling spats, and tween-age drama. He was holding down his own job, and could only watch as the little energy I had energy my went to my work. By the time I arrived home I was completely spent and totally unavailable emotionally or sexually.

Plus my bitterness at the length of treatment grew as the months dragged on. If it had been a month or two, I think we could have endured it and come out relatively unscathed. But this has gone on for years. Not only was this ordeal loosening our glue, but the friction points of marriage – the ways we see things so differently –– began to push us further apart. Because of my limited energy and concentration, we couldn’t have one of our major realignment conversations that used to bring us back to a place of mutual understanding and respect about our differences. Add to this mix the financial strain of decreased income and increased expenses. A chunk of my income comes from freelance work, which was now off the table because of my illness. Even though we have good insurance, I was stunned at how quickly medication co-pays and deductibles added up to big numbers. Money is the source of conflict even in stable situations and we began to argue about purchases that never were an issue before.

Eventually we hit several crisis points. There were the periodic pity parties my husband had about his utter deprivation, emotionally, physically and sexually. It was a stretch for me to comfort him, since he was basically right. Guys really don’t reach out to other men when they are vulnerable. Where I am sure my girlfriends would have rallied to my side had our roles been reversed, he was left basically alone. None of our extended family members live near us. There wasn’t a grandparent, an aunt or even a cousin to give him a break for any length of time.  Nor did it help our bond that he was petrified at the idea of actually losing me. At his lowest moments, he would vacillate between his frustration with my helplessness and the terror of my possible death. He told me through tears one day, "I can't stand that the one person I want to talk about all this with is you, and you are really not really able to talk."
Another crisis came after my treatment was over and I started to regain my cognitive and physical energy. It would no longer do for him to treat me like his other child. But it takes more than a simply saying, “Mom’s back in business.” The children had learned that Dad was the Real Parent in the house, an idea reinforced by the ways he would second-guess my authority as a mother. It was difficult to stand up to this. How do you stake a claim to your authority when you are not the same in memory, strength, or energy? I confronted him about this. To his great credit, he has worked with me to rebalance our parenting team, with the understanding that I am still not 100 percent. Regaining authentic balance in our partnership remains an ongoing challenge.

Our sex life is on the mend but is still a source of strife. I have not figured out how to feel comfortable naked, with all the scars riddling my torso and the false breast that feels numb and dead. My energy remains unreliable. At night, once the dishes are washed and the children tucked in, I often want to crawl in the bed to sleep. We are trying to be more deliberate about carving out time for ourselves and our relationship, but it is so hard. So, so hard.

There is a lot of talk in the cancer world about survivorship plans for patients. What I really need is a survivorship plan for my marriage. In my support group, I see a lot of people getting divorced after the crisis of treatment subsides. These wounds cut deep, touching our greatest insecurities. Luckily, I do know a handful of survivors whose marriages did recover. I just wish I had more of a roadmap for how to steer my marriage toward success and away from the potential disaster.

 #    #    #


Lynne Knowlton said...

What a beautiful & REAL life story about cancer. Funny how having cancer creeps into every single part of our lives. I'm a blogger, and starting blogging about DIY projects & design stuff... and eventually started writing about cancer. It blows my mind how many people FEEL the effects. Our partners, our friends, our family. Maybe my blog could help inspire you to get through it. I keep it REAL. My blog name is Design The Life You Want to Live at
Thank you for writing the absolute truth about what you are going through. It really matters. Keep fighting the fight... and luvin' life along the way... big {{ hugs}}

Jody said...

I was grateful to our guest author as well and will pass your comments on to her.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I've been through so many of the same things, and am still slogging through after treatment. My husband has been remarkably patient, but I know that his patience is not limitless. Cancer wreaks havoc on caregivers as well as patients. It's a consolation to know, at least, that I'm not alone in this.

Jody said...

No - you aren't alone! I think it is simply so difficult to discuss publicly. Cancer leaves people vulnerable on so many levels - you're tired, you feel awful, and you can't complete your daily tasks. You are not alone at all. Treatment stresses the best of relationship.

Thanks for writing,

Lani Horn said...

Jody, I am grateful to this woman for breaking the silence over the effects of marriage and cancer. Just as we do a disservice to the complexity of patients' experiences with war metaphors -- we have heroes and people who 'lost their battle' -- we also do a disservice to couples by only talking about the noble triumphs and utter disasters in marriages. We need nuance and I am glad to see the love and struggle of this couple shared. Thank you for being such a trusted person in our community that you could provide this venue.

Jody said...

I was so pleased to have had the opportunity to publish this, Lani. None of us are saints. I know that DH and I had stressful times during my treatment....if for no other reason -- as the author pointed out - that it goes on SO LONG. Not month after month, but year after year. To me the first five years following diagnosis (since for me this included tamoxifen) now seem like a long BLUR.

I can already see how the honesty expressed here can help other women.

Thanks for reading,

Facing Cancer Together said...

There's so much in this woman's story that rings true to my own experience. Cancer treatments were the hardest time in my relationship - not just because of the physical disconnection, but because of expectations not met and emotional gone wild. We made it through, but there were hard times. It's a big deal for someone to be so open with their relationship struggles. Kudos to this lovely writer for sharing her story. ~Catherine

Jody said...

I agree, Catherine. And I'm reminded how internal much of my own cancer journey was. I couldn't articulate what i was going through because I didn't have the energy or the ability to even put the words together. It's only in retrospect that I can see the difficulties.

Thanks so much for commenting -

AnneMarie said...

All I can say to this: I am sobbing because it is all to relatable. Thank you to your anonymous author because this is the ugly backstory that seems to remain in the background. My marriage was strained and began to unravel at warp speed. I'm hopeful about the future, but I could have written every word of this. Every word.

Much love, Jody... for sharing the story and MUCH love to my "sister" who has spoken on behalf of so many of us.


Jody said...

I hear you, AnneMarie. This stark post is resonating with women across the board. I don't think any woman intentionally gives a positive spin on a negative experience. It's simply so difficult to say these things aloud.

"So how are you doing," people ask after treatment....who can say...."I'm so tired I can't lift my head, our sex life sucks, and there isn't enough help to go around?" No one wants to hear that.

But here's the deal - other survivors understand. And we can support each other through that shared understanding.

Thank you so much for writing, and I'm tremendously happy to hear that you feel hopeful for your future. That is wonderful news, my friend.
-- jody

Jackie Fox said...

Such an important story and thank you for sharing it. And an even bigger thank you to your guest author for posting it.

Barbara Musser said...

These conversations are timely and important, and have been swept under the rug for too long. It's why I do the work I do, called Sexy After Cancer, all about about cancer and treatments impact intimacy, sexuality and relationships. There were no resources for this when I was diagnosed 24 years ago, and I've been nosing around ever since, researching and creating tools and resources for these subjects. Have a look at my website ~ I also write a weekly blog called Sexy Saturdays for The Pink Fund and a regular column on intimacy, sex and relationships for The Pink Paper. I hope to be a resource to you as well. xx

Jody said...

Great to meet you, Barbara. I saw that you spoke at the Conference for Young Women sponsored by YSC and Living Beyond Breast Cancer.

Thanks for the work you do,

Dianne Duffy said...

I soooo get this!

I was diagnosed almost 5 years ago and our marriage just took the real hit 6 months ago.

There is sometimes no new normal.

Makes me want to cry.

Dianne Duffy

Anonymous said...

WOW! Someone crept into my life and wrote about it...

Jody said...


I'm sorry. We've all been at that terrible place. Keep trying to regain your health and serentiy.

Sending you good wishes!


I think all of us see ourselves in this article. Thanks for commenting,


Jill said...

Imagine if the author had metastatic disease. The side effects impacting one's marriage really do go on for YEARS and there is no break, ever.

Jody said...

I'm sure we're both grateful that she DOESN'T have metastatic disease. And the writer would be the first with support for those women who have been diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer.

A problem for all of us with cancer I think, is in making comparisons between groups, stages or types of breast cancer. It's necessry for advocating for research funds, grasping quality of life issues, and it's necessary for understanding the isolation that women w/mets often feel.

This is one woman's story, honestly told. Her honesty has resonated with many. It's not about having/not having metastatic disease.

Maybe there is a story you would like to tell as well?


MightyCaseyMedia said...

I walked my cancer journey alone - my both my marriages were long in the dust before my dx - and this post makes me glad I did. Not because I think the poster's husband is a tool - he's not. He's human.

Given the circs - no extended family close by, the human male's lack of skill in sharing this sort of burden with other guys - I know that the woman who wrote this is much better off than others, friends, who I've seen standing chemo-bald in a divorce attorney's office because their husband bailed on the whole scene.

It took courage for her to post this, and I'm beyond glad that she did. Cancer isn't typically a hearts and flowers thing, Much more puking and tears cried alone in the dark.

Thanks her, and to you, Jody.

Jody said...

I agree, Mighty Casey. This was a hard post for her to write and for many to see.

The first comment on my FB page when it went up this morning was from a high school friend whose husband left her before he even learned how to spell chemotherapy. Not only did her life turn upside down from cancer but from his actions, too.

Thanks for supporting the writer:)


The Accidental Amazon said...

Thanks for posting this, Jody, and thank you to the brave woman who wrote it. It was hard to be single when I dealt with my own cancer, but it was heart-rending to watch friends going through it & to see how often it destroyed their relationships -- and in a myriad of ugly and painful ways. This is another crucial nitty-gritty subject that needs a lot more airing and sharing. I'll be sharing this post. Kathi

Dave B. said...

Jody, Do you know about FORCE [Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered]? It's a national organization dealing with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. I am BRCA positive [BRCA1 gene mutation] which I got from my mother [died at 42 of breast and ovarian cancer] and gave to my daughter. The FORCE website [] is chock full of informarion and chatrooms and your voice needs to be heard. As a FORCE member I am working on getting more men involved and one of the prime issues I want to deal with is exactly what you have written about.

Jody said...

Airing and sharing, KK - I love that phrase.

Thanks so much -

Unknown said...

Great post. I've become burned out on cancer survivors and their partners both being made out to be only saints, when usually that is far from reality. It's been my experience that most of us do the best we can and sometimes our best isn't enough, which is the way life really is.

Stories about what's really going on give us something more we can really connect with and learn from.

Best wishes to the poster and her family, especially her hub. And thanks for showing some reality. :)


Joe Helfrich said...

I do hope I'm not stepping on any toes here, but I wanted to chime in a bit about chronic/catastrophic illness from the caregiver side--or maybe this is just venting for my own sake, I don't know. I'm not trying to offer advice. These situations are too complex.

My wife doesn't have cancer, and we no longer think it's a fatal degenerative condition, but that's about the only good things we can say say about it. She has, among other things, POTS and a COQ-10 deficiency, leading to symptoms that are very similar to the effects of chemo--muscle pain, exhaustion, mental fog, low stamina. We've gotten to the point where we're able to manage the symptoms, and overall she's slowly getting better; but realistically a complete recovery isn't likely, and we'll be dealing with this to one extent or another for the rest of our lives. And that's a daunting thought.

Our relationship started right as her symptoms started to be a significant impact in her life. Even once we realized the extent of things, but before we had a solid understanding of the causes, she was willing to run herself into the ground to do as much as possible; hearing a doctor prescribe tests for a half dozen fatal conditions makes you want to squeeze out as much as you can. But eventually even that determination ran dry, and it was another year or so before we finally had a clear grasp on what was wrong and could even start to manage the symptoms. It's been a couple years now since we've been able to turn things around, however slowly.

In some ways, and I hate to say this, the "getting better" phase has been harder on me. She jealously guards her energy and her time, and her capabilities. And I don't blame her for that. But for the longest time, the hope was about finding a way for her to get better. Now that she is...well, the rate of improvement has not been what either of us hoped, and the rate of shifting responsibilities has not been what I hoped. And after a day that involves waking up to get her meds at 7, getting my stepdaughter to school, working all day (thankfully from home) getting the kid from school, cooking dinner (while still "at work") getting the kid to bed, and trying (and usually failing) to keep up with the cleaning, I usually stay up to late, trying to be productive on personal projects or the state of the house, but mostly playing games to de-stress. And so start the next day on 4-6 hours of sleep.

It's not all doom and gloom, of course. There are days that are better than others, and there are days where she ignores the warning signs and gives more, be it attention or help. And sometimes she's even able to hide what it costs her the next couple days so I don't feel too guilty.

But there are still days when I just want to run and hide. Not get out of bed. Lock myself in a room and work on a project so I can feel like I've done something constructive at the end of the day, instead of just tread water. Or do what I did in college, and book myself a long weekend in the city, with a cheap room that barely qualifies as a safe place to dump my stuff, and spend days just wandering. I really, really miss New York.

But I want to take her with me now. So I get up, and get her pills, and hope tomorrow will be better.

Jody said...

Dave B.,
Yes, I know about FORCE and its founder, Sue Freidman, very well. In fact she was a guest on our weekly breast cancer chat on Twitter, #BCSM.

Karen B.,
I hear you. We sure AREN't saints. No of us.

You're not stepping on anyone's toes. One thing the writer was clear about was how hard illness is on BOTH partners in a relationship. This of course includes children. There's no way around it - chronic illness is a slog. It's very difficult for all of us to say how bad at times; especially when the person we love is sitting right next to us. So I think it's important to recognize and support individual reactions and NOT take them personally.

Kudos to you for all you're doing, and best of luck to both of you. I hope your partner continues to improve.


Wendy said...

Kudos for sharing! There are so many great comments here and websites I definitely intended on checking out!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Anonymous, for being so brutally honest. I don't know if it it is possible to "right the wrong," so to speak. The cultural emphasis is so much on prevention and survivorship--the implication that when your treatment is over you have you life back. And when that five-year anniversary is met you're a survivor! It's all okay.

But it isn't all okay. After the diagnosis, the fear, the treatment--the crisis--is the where the real work begins: living the day-to-day after such physical, psychological, and emotional trauma. I understand the stage iv comment; it's not projecting stage iv disease onto the writer, but another manifestation of marginalization. Many stage iv women feel "ignored" by the larger pink movement. And I think many survivors are ignored as well.

Helping individuals cope with/adjust to survivorship is a conversation that needs to happen.

Yvonne said...

Hi Jody,

Please thank your contributor sincerely for sharing her experiences so candidly. There are elements of her experience that I can identify with very strongly in trying to keep all the balls in the air whilst cancer is trying to get the better of us. What clearly comes through is the strength, mutual respect and good will for each other that she and her husband both possess, and I'm sending them both all the good feelings I can muster that this will be enough to get them through and out the other side with a happy, loving, stronger than ever marriage. It will never be the same, the sands have shifted, but in time, it may be better than it ever was. I really do hope so. Yvonne

Jody said...

My dear Scorchy,
You're spot on: marginalization is never OKAY. As long as there are unheard voices in the cancer conversation then there is more work to do. All of us can get prepared for surgery; or coping with nausea during chemo. But who could anticipate the dents in the relationships with those we love the most? These are all cruel blows.

And Yvonne,
I love your assessment - of good will, strength and mutual respect. I will tell her. Her post meant a great deal to me as well - as you can see:)

Thanks for your comment,

lisa adams said...

Thank you to Jody and the author of this insightful piece. I agree that relationships change during treatment, in ways we never would have expected and are often not discussed. As has been touched on in the comments, the emotions and issues can be similar, but there is also the issue of potential change that can vary among women. When a woman is diagnosed and expects treatment/side effects to be temporary, her partner may be able to think it will be so, too. As time goes on, and/or if there is a metastatic diagnosis, the reality of "this will never get 'better' " may have other repercussions.

For young and old, stage 0 to stage 4, there are many discussions to have, and this was such a great introduction to many of those issues... and opened the door to many more talks about this. And I would be VERY interested to hear about this topic from a male who has undergone treatment for breast cancer.

Thank you!

itsthebunk said...

Thank you both for this great post, Anonymous for writing, and Jody for providing the platform and support. Much courage and trust must have been required to share this inside look at *Reality* in your marriage.

I echo Kathi Kolb in that I experienced cancer as a single person, which had its own issues, challenges and burdens. If I learned anything from Rachel and Susan, it's that the more we differ (married/single; younger/older; early stage/metastatic), the more important it is to share/hear each others' true stories. In opening windows between our different realities, we get to understand each other better, support each other more easily, and become better advocates.

wintin said...

My wife has had cancer on and off for four years now. Chemo, surgery, remission, chemo, remission... I love her more every year. It is hard for her and for me, but before she was diagnosed there were other less important reasons our relationship could be hard. It's a matter of degrees. Relationships are never perfect. The key is the core of love and respect, which does not waver. I love her, I admire and respect her...

Jody said...

Thank you, Lisa. The reality of "it will never get better" is so hard to grasp. I don't know how you describe the adjustment; the grappling with and coming to terms with a drastically altered life. I so admire your incredible ability to articulate this for all of us.

You've got it! Even with differences it is essential for us to "hear/share each other's true stories...." That is lovely.

And Wintin,
Thank you for your beautiful perspective - I know from my own experience, since we have had four cancers between the two of us - the love and respect deepens with time. We are more patient. I know how he reacts to things and vice versa. It is quite different from when I went through treatment almost 15 years ago.
Wishing both you and your wife all good things,


Stacey said...

Jody, thanks to you and your guest blogger for this. It does seem to be one of the few issues left in the shadows. Speaking for myself, a marriage is changed forever by a breast cancer diagnosis, perhaps not always for the worst, but certainly changed. Intimacy, support, the roles we had defined for ourselves are changed and as mentioned, for so very long. Perhaps we start to look for something in each other that wasn't there before and maybe we find it and maybe we don't, but to talk about it or write about it (in my case) seems unethical in a way, a break in something private between a husband and wife.

I admire your guest for bringing this issue forward. Maybe there are answers to be found by sharing. As with other breast cancer fallout, I always learn something from the bloggers and the readers who comment. xoxo

Jody said...

Thanks, Stacey. I admire the writer very much as well. It's wonderful to hear from you --

njbookwoman said...

thank you and Anonymous for posting this very real and honest story of what recovery from BC can entail. Not an easy path to follow and obviously huge gaps that are not easily addressed or dealt with.

I have metastatic bc and I know Lillie Shockney and Johns Hopkins run a very successful free mbc retreat for couples. People have told me that it has been very meaningful and helpful for their relationship.

I took a quick look at the JHU website and didn't see something similar for BC couples, but I would suggest that Anonymous email Lillie at:

Hope that helps a little and I wish her all the best.

Micki Myers said...

This account is so heartbreakingly familiar! I have a book coming out from Simon and Schuster October 1st called "It's Probably Nothing..." which looks at the darkly humorous side of the horrible journey that is a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Hopefully it can make those of us who have been through it feel less alone and even able to look back and say "I know, right?"

Beth L. Gainer said...

Jody, thanks to Anonymous for her candor and to you for giving her the platform for her voice.

Every word of her truth resonated with me. The emotions are raw and real; these are also the kinds of stories the world needs to hear.

I don't discuss this aspect -- of cancer's negative effect on marriage -- too often, but I can say that I know full well the toll cancer takes on a couple. In my case, my marriage was in trouble before the diagnosis.

So many people wanted to believe the marriage was strengthened as a result of this crisis, but in reality I lived, but the marriage died. It was so difficult to have had cancer, its treatment, and get divorced, all within three years or so.

A part of my heart is forever broken.

Ann Becker-Schutte, Ph.D. said...

Absolutely amazing. Not just the powerful candor of the post, but the heartfelt comments and the reminders that everyone touched by this disease needs support--and needs it for a darn long time. Thanks to all for the wonderful sharing.


Anonymous said...

Great post - and very honest. As the husband to a breast cancer survivor who recently passed the 5-year mark, and in active treatment for the same disease since Sep 2012, I see many echoes of our experiences in what Anonymous wrote.

I think we recognized that cancer fundamentally changes your life forever very early on. You lose your innocence. We were both diagnosed in our mid-40s, and immediately lost whatever remaining sense of immortality we may have had left over from our childhoods. It resets our priorities, and I think the key to our continued happiness as a couple is that we still want the same things: to raise our elementary school kids to adulthood, to share travel and happy times with them, to give them all we can in their youth, to have a secure, as-peaceful-as-it-can-be homelife. Perhaps lower expectations than before, but still a rich basis for a great relationship.

That isn't to say that we don't feel lonely or scared sometimes, within the marriage. Cancer exacerbates for the man the feeling of becoming a lower priority that happens when kids come along anyway. I sympathize with the description of Anonymous' husband, particularly the lack of intimate men friends. But just like him, when you weigh the alternatives...

If I had any advice, and I am not sure I really do, I would say the quicker you accept that everything will be different, and don't subscribe to the illusion that after a few months of treatment you will be returned to the pre-diagnosis state, the happier you can be. You will live the remains of your life in a place where a cough or a back ache could also be a metastatic recurrence and where you look at nonagenerians giving awards at the Oscars with a feeling of jealousy... On a positive note, you can also get a feeling of if-not-now-then-when which hopefully gives you energy to tackle what you really care about with the remaining time in your life - be it 5 years or 50.

Dee Anne (AKA 'Yogi') said...

THANK YOU for sharing a very sensitive subject. This journey is without a doubt, difficult on a relationship and cancer touches every single aspect of our lives. How can it not? The intimacy, the finances, the family structure, etc. But, you putting your story out there in plain sight is a very brave and necessary step for not only yourself but for all of us. We need more guidance, groups and support to help us navigate through this. In the meantime, I wish you well fellow warrior. You clearly have a fire and spirit within you that propels you forward!

Jody said...,

Thanks so much for writing, Oliver. This is a poignant discussion. The loss of innocence is hard to articulate; when you realize that your life is forever altered. From my experience it's a grief process, letting go of what was to what IS now.

And your thoughts about realistic expectations - spot on. SOmetimes I wonder how much we set ourselves up for the "after the fact" treatment crash. Our culture is huge in celebrating images of people running though finish lines and becoming, the WINNER, the champion.

As many of us have said, cancer is not a race. There is no finish line. There is a process of losing health (and losing innocence as you said) then regaining life.

And as with all good things, it takes time.

Dee Ann,

It's funny, isn't it - that intellectually we "know" that cancer touches all aspects of our lives yet so few discuss some aspects aloud? I think it's hard speaking publicly about our deepest vulnerabilities. I'm grateful to our anonymous writer who chose to share her story with us.

Thanks so writing,

Deanna G. said...

You have know idea how similiar our situation...thank you for sharing your experience...I have a very supportive husband and I'm truly blessed but cancer adds a lot of stress on a marriage...Thank you again for sharing a part of your experience and journey.

If you like you may check out my journey,

Many Blessings

Unknown said...

It is really a nice story and meaningful for all who read it once a time. Thanks for sharing such a great story with us.

love marriage specialist

Nancy's Point said...

Thanks to you, Jody, and to anonymous as well, for sharing. Reading through all these comments makes me realize there is still much to talk about. Sadly, relationship issues and mental health issues (among others) are not adequately addressed when there is a cancer diagnosis in the family. In an ideal world, healthcare professionals would be addressing all of these components of illness, but we live in a far from perfect world don't we? Most of us simply muddle through the best way we can muster. Many relationships survive, but sadly many do not.

It's worth noting that it's hard to cover some personal stuff in blog posts when there is a partner's right to privacy to respect. I agree with Stacey's comment to some extent and this is part of the reason I've hesitated to write about some things, as do many others I presume. It would be nice if we could all post anonymously now and then wouldn't it?

Thanks again to you both for the post.

Jan said...

Sadly, my marriage did not survive the cancer. Oh, we limped along for a while after my double mastectomy (with no reconstruction per my husband's suggestion), but in the end he couldn't handle it and found someone else. I'm glad this subject has come up, as it usually gets pushed aside. xo

Anonymous said...

Wow! Please thank the author for writing this anonymously so she could write with such candor. Cancer takes a horrible toll on all of us in every facet of life. I'm so glad I'm not alone in discussing it. Even if we don't have all the answers, the support and validation that's found in the blogosphere is so beautiful, it's almost sacred. Thank you for posting this.

Jody said...

Thanks so much - to all of you.

Jan, I do recall how much heartache you experienced. I hope the writer's experience helped. You continue to show incredible grace and courage.

Affirmation is worth its weight in gold, I agree. And it seems as if there are no answers, but always, always, there are friends:)

Yes, Nancy - I definitely think the anonymous post as great value. Few want want to expose the most vulnerable and private aspects of their lives, me included. Survivorship planning definitely should include relationships and when needed, referral to the appropriate counselor. Most insurance plans do cover SOME - what 50% for mental health referrals? But again, 98 percent of the time the survivor herself needs to ask. We need to encourage women to identify and seek the services they need.

It's not that I've given up on the health care system ....entirely... I prefer to turn the tables and say, patients, here's what you can do.

I'm also amazed, just in the last three years, on the growth of conferences, webinars, and general discussion on these specific issues. Perhaps we should also do more talking about this?

Vicki said...

Hi Jody, I'm sorry to have missed the BCSM chat last night. I had to pick up my husband from the airport! Thanks to your guest author for opening up this can of worms! My husband and I continue to have issues stemming from my cancer. I feel different about my body now than pre-cancer and this has creeped into our bedroom. I've asked for help from my onc and my gyno and they really don't know what to say! I'm going to read the transcript from the chat and hope to get some suggestions from our close community. Thanks!

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing... 3 years post cancer and intimacy is still a struggle, even in a loving partnership.

Jody said...

I understand. The first 3-5 years following diagnosis are the most difficult for many of us. Treatment and side effects stress every aspect of life. Wishing you well and hoping things improve, bit by bit, day by day.

It take so much time; there's grief for what was lost. That is real and natural. I finally realized that I could not return to what I was before, only try to make the self I am today - better.

Thanks for reading and commenting,

Unknown said...

I'm 24 yrs old I am an manager at a hair salon the money is ok it gets me by.. I have a two yr old daughter and I've known now that I was pregnant for about a month. my 1st choice was to keep the baby. But later i was second guessing my choice, because the father which iss my lover has turned me down and told me that he has nothing to do with me anymore. I was sad and sick everyday, crying. my bf whom i love with my blood is has left me and our daughter lives but the relationship is no more. so few weeks later after we seperated, a friend told me about a spell lady who has helped her before in bringing her lover back. I had to contact the spell lady on my own case just to bring my lover back. my family is really religious and they already have a strike against me for being pregnant outside of marriage so if I was or do get an abortion they probably wouldn't deal with me. I have a lot on my plate and no choice but to meet the spell lady at, My story changed with her spell. everything turned around, after she did the spell, my lover came back begging me to let him come back and make things right. I was more surprise than you reading this knowing that my dream came through. The best news is that my weeding date has been fixed so my unborn going to be given birth to not as a bastard.
Priestess Ifaa has changed my story. I am forever indebted to her.

katie ford hall said...

I am SOOOO late to this party. :) Thank you to the writer and to Jody for publishing it. It's a great reminder of how the rocks that are dropped in the pools of our lives ripple out. I also think that with how much we talk about our "survivor" voices being repressed and marginalized, it's even worse for our caregivers. They have to watch us suffer through this, be grateful for our good days, and keep it all together. Where do they go with their anger and grief?


Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

What a touching story! I'm grateful to the author for her transparency in opening her heart to reveal her hurt. I just found out I have a massive tumor that has been disabling me for years. I have been married 22 years and have four kids at home. Fortunately, my husband and I can communicate about our highs and lows as we take this journey, but others struggle and it breaks my heart. We are now faced with traveling hours away to MD Anderson for treatment, while leaving our four school-aged children at home while our parents fill in for us.

As a certified life coach my focus is on marriage and family...and now I've been given this gift, even though I'm terrified of this tumor, to be able to help others like me. I'm passionate about coaching couples with creative ways to articulate and express what they want and to share their fears in a safe haven.

Cancer is bad enough, but if we can save marriages by helping couples realize the beauty that can come when they fight together, then what a way to live!

I can be found on FB if anyone needs a virtual hug.

dr,koko said...

Mr.williams lee
No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually come up one day . I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like that, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that Dr. dodogods is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person, and after much “cajoling,” he (my co-worker) got me to visit this
It was one of the best things I have ever done. My lovelife was in shambles; I had been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn’t face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. So, with nothing but my pride to lose, I checked it out. I was flabbergasted. This man is for REAL. He did whatever magic he does, and lo and behold – no more than TWO DAYS later, I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counseling, and we’re doing very, very well, on the road to recovery! Love and Many Blessings Back to You if you need help today you can contact him in his email address. ! pst /Mr.williams lee

Powerastroguru said...

Many youngsters fall in love and they lost their love for many reasons and disturb from our life many are trying attempt to suicide but not used a solution We can take help of astrologer to solve our problems they used many techniques
love spells specialist in india

KingHawk said...

A obstinate man will have his way to his own harm.
Tubal Ligation Reversal

Unknown said...

Cancer treatments were the hardest time in my relationship not just because of the physical disconnection, but because of expectations not met and mixed emotions.

Cancer Alternative Treatment

Unknown said...

I had a lot to contend with. I had no money at all. I needed some changes in my life, and i met a spell lady has helped me with just few hundreds of dollars compare to others. I was just about to lose my house, and I had no job. after 5days of the spell cast which priestess Ifaa has done, I got a new job. now I can sleep peacefully because he solved my money problems. priestess Thank you It surprise me to know people like you still exist.

KingHawk said...

This is my Best of fortune that I discovered your publish which is according to my look for and topic.
find a doctor

Unknown said...

really so wonderful story ...and u r the luckiest one having such apartner...really i pray god to keep on his eye always onu (such alovely :)

Unknown said...

Good writing is something I can appreciate. You have made your points in a smart way. I am impressed with how interesting you have been able to present this content. Really the Vashikaran Mantra comes as the solution to all problems.

Unknown said...

Thank you thank you DR IMOMOH for what you have just done, for helping me getting my husband who left me with two kids years ago to me I thank you so much the great ogodomi of for Bringing back my family i am great full and will always be if you also Need his help his email ( ) My name is elen jones I am from spain i want to share my happiness with the general public of what DR imomoh of india but now in africa has done for me in the last few weeks i was once in love this guy called McCarty we in love with each other until traveled out of my state for two year and we promise ourselves to be together forever, but before return from my journey he where now having another lover when i try to come back to he. He told me i should go away i love him so much that i could not let he go just like that then i told a friend about it and she advice me and recommend this man imomoh for me when i visit he at he only ask me to buy some items for sacrifices to help me get my ex back and he actually did it and it work well and today I am happy with incase any one is out there with same problem or any kind I advice he or she to contact this man today at and with what he did for me I believe he can also help you thank once again Dr Imomoh

Unknown said...

Thanks to John Yi Yi as he is a great spell caster who brought back my lover.....

I want to tell everyone about my meeting with Prophet John Yi Yi who was able to bring back my ex lover within the period of 2days... At these moment i don't have anything to say than to appreciate the good works of Prophet John Yi Yi who you can simply reach at:

1. He has got charms/spell to take away bad luck & give good luck in life

2. He fix broken relationships, marriages

3. He treats Beareness

4. He fight evil/ witchcraft/ ghost/bad spell/curses/bad dreams& cleans homes.

5. He bring back lost lover/family

6. He Makes court cases/divorces/bad debts to disappear.

7. He has herbs for losing weight

8. He solve financial and domestic difficulties

9. He has a spell charm to bring back stolen goods.

10. He has got a sale quick potions to boost customers in business.

11. He can make you gain promotions at work place.

12. He can make your admired partner to be yours.

13. He has herbs to make long live with HIV

14. He has something to make you have lot of children.

15. He has a spell/charms that can make you have a good job.

16. He can stop someone to interfere in your love relationship/family

17. He has mixtures of herbs for sexual weakness.

18. He has herbs to enlarge your sexual system to satisfy your partner.

19. He cure madness/stress/addictions/long illnesses.

20. He treat sexual transmitted infections quickly.

21. He has lucky spells/charm to increase your wealthy.

22. He has charms for gambling/lotto/ casinos.

23. He has powerful herbs for curing early ejaculations.

24. he has charms to protect away from car robbers/hijacker/properties attack& Etc

contact me of any of these today at: WE GOT SOLUTION TO ALL PROBLEMS HERE ...

Unknown said...

This is John Yi Yi, Am a strong powerful SPELL CASTER who helps people, We are very serious to help those that has been scam and those that seek help in this wonderful world. So today Have you ever think of bringing back your ex or husband back you immediately. Have it ever occur to you that DR JOHN YI YI TEMPLE is the best and powerful spiritualist who can help you bring your relationship back to a standard view, if actually you so much believe on bringing back your husband or lover, please you are advice to get back to the only helper and solution to your needs at my temple mail now with your problem


1. Gettings your lover or husband back
2. Spiritual bulletproof
3. Training
4. Money spell
5. Long life spell
6. Prosperity spell
7. Protection spell
8. Get a job spell
9. Becoming a manager spell
10. Get a huge loan without paying any fee spell
11. Getting your scam money back
12. Child spell
13. Pregnancy spell
14. Freedom spell
15. Love spell
16, vanishing spell
17. Invisible human spell
18. Sucess or pass spell
19. Marriage spell
20. Avenging spell
21. Popularity spell
22. Killing spell
23. Cancer spell
24. Supernatural power spell
25. Madness spell
26. Free house loan spell
27. Production spell of films and movie
28. Hiv/aids spell
29. Tubercolosis spell
30. Loose weight and body spell

contact me of any of these today at: WE GOT SOLUTION TO ALL PROBLEMS HERE ...

Unknown said...

This is John Yi Yi, Am a strong powerful SPELL CASTER who helps people, We are very serious to help those that has been scam and those that seek help in this wonderful world. So today Have you ever think of bringing back your ex or husband back you immediately. Have it ever occur to you that DR JOHN YI YI TEMPLE is the best and powerful spiritualist who can help you bring your relationship back to a standard view, if actually you so much believe on bringing back your husband or lover, please you are advice to get back to the only helper and solution to your needs at my temple mail now with your problem


1. Gettings your lover or husband back
2. Spiritual bulletproof
3. Training
4. Money spell
5. Long life spell
6. Prosperity spell
7. Protection spell
8. Get a job spell
9. Becoming a manager spell
10. Get a huge loan without paying any fee spell
11. Getting your scam money back
12. Child spell
13. Pregnancy spell
14. Freedom spell
15. Love spell
16, vanishing spell
17. Invisible human spell
18. Sucess or pass spell
19. Marriage spell
20. Avenging spell
21. Popularity spell
22. Killing spell
23. Cancer spell
24. Supernatural power spell
25. Madness spell
26. Free house loan spell
27. Production spell of films and movie
28. Hiv/aids spell
29. Tubercolosis spell
30. Loose weight and body spell

contact me of any of these today at: WE GOT SOLUTION TO ALL PROBLEMS HERE ...

Unknown said...

Hello to people that want to be Great,

Note:This Spell casting do not have any effect on any one,But just to get your problem solve ok.

Get your problem solve in John YiYi oracle temple / shrine ...You can get the
bellow problems solve here.
1. Get your scam money back
2. Bring back lost lover, even if lost for a long time
3. Remove bad spells from homes, business & customer attraction etc.
4. Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career.
5. Read all your problems before you even mention them to him
6. Remove the black spot that keeps on taking your money away
7. Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution
8. Eliminate in family fights
9. Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities
10. Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking apart
11. I destroy and can send back the Nikolos if requested
12. We heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation
13. Get you marriage to the lover of your choice
14. Guarantee you win the troubling court cases & divorce no matter how what stage
15. Ensure success in work and business
16. Mental illness & bewitched
17. Can?t sleep at night or walking at night
18. Recover stolen property and whereabouts of people that hurt you.
19. Bring supernatural luck into
20. Pregnancy spell tp conceive baby
21. Extreme protection for those doing dangerous jobs like security guards, Bank
manager, cash transporters,


Unknown said...

Get your Spell Cast in the Great John Yi Yi Home of Spell...Make your Lover and your Ex-Lover love you the more without looking at others...

Fertility Spell,
Love Spells,
Lotto Winner,
Money Spells,
Job Spell,
Coupons Luck,
Lost Love Spells,
Divorce Spells,
Magic Spells,
Protection Spells,
witchcraft spells,
Death Spells,
Voodoo Dolls,
Hoodoo Spells,
Forget Me Spells,
Evil Eye Spells,
Kissing Spell,
Venus Spell,
Make An Enemy Move Away Spell,
Aura Cleansing,
Sand Healing,
Crystal Healing,
I Want Him/Her Back Spells,
Beauty Spells,
Break Up A Relationship Spells,
Protection Spells,
Remove Sickness Spells ,

Unknown said...

Hello To The World At Large,
I am Miss Wacks.,From united states of America.I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was binging to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS JOHN YIYI ORACLE TEMPLE.My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is : ,This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost ok..Thanks
Miss Wacks.

Anonymous said...

My name is Sandra and i want to testify of the good work done by a faithful Dr Osoba, a spell caster. in my life i never thought there is such thing as spiritual intercession. my problem started nine months back when the father of my kids started putting up some strange behavior, i never knew he was having an affair outside our matrimonial home. it dawn on me on that faithful day 19th of April 21st 4:23pm when he came to the house to pick his things that was when i knew that situation has gotten out of hand and he then told me he was quitting the marriage which i have built for over five years, i was confused and dumbfounded i called on family and friends but to no avail. two months after i started having problem with my kids welfare rent-age and all of it, i really went through hell. until a day i was browsing on the internet and i happen to meet a spell caster i never believed on this but i needed my man back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it but you know a problem shared is half solved after a week my husband called me telling me that he his coming back home and that was all. now we are living happily and i still do contact him on this email:

JULIANNA4 said...

HI my name JULIANA AM FROM ESPANIO i want you all to hellp me in thanking DR ABULU who help me with my problems. My husband and i have been married for eight years now ,we live happily as good couples until a friend of mine cast a spell on my husband. he abandoned me and his family, he didn’t even want to see me at all because he was under a spell. it was now getting to six months since my husband abandoned me and i was frustrated and don’t know what to do until i meet this great spell caster on line, I tell him my problems and he give me four days assurance that he will come back to me. He help me break the spell that was caste on my husband and to my greatest surprise the fourth day my husband came knocking on my door and beg me for forgiveness. once again thank you DR ABULU you can also contact him through his mail

Megan said...

I lost my 15 years relationship during December. My husband left me with so many pains and since then i have been heart broken and shattered. I have contact 7spell casters and 7 of them has rip me off my money without no result. I have Emailed so many sites online looking for a good spell caster untill i was directed by a 20 years old boy to At first i never believed him because he was requesting for some amount of money to buy items to cast the spell, it took him 4 weeks to convince me and something occur to my mind and i said let me give him a trial. I was very shocked when Nichasin called four days after i sent Dr.Zack Balo the items money. He apologies for all he has done wrong and i am very happy that we are together today now because he proposed to marry me. I will advise you contact because he has done wonders in my life and i believe he can help you out in any problem.

Anonymous said...

My name is Sandra and i want to testify of the good work done by a faithful Dr Osoba, a spell caster. in my life i never thought there is such thing as spiritual intercession. my problem started nine months back when the father of my kids started putting up some strange behavior, i never knew he was having an affair outside our matrimonial home. it dawn on me on that faithful day 19th of April 21st 4:23pm when he came to the house to pick his things that was when i knew that situation has gotten out of hand and he then told me he was quitting the marriage which i have built for over five years, i was confused and dumbfounded i called on family and friends but to no avail. two months after i started having problem with my kids welfare rent-age and all of it, i really went through hell. until a day i was browsing on the internet and i happen to meet a spell caster i never believed on this but i needed my man back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it but you know a problem shared is half solved after a week my husband called me telling me that he his coming back home and that was all. now we are living happily and i still do contact him on this email:

Anonymous said...

I am Avita john by name and i am located in usa ,I recently saw a testimony about a spell caster of some sort in a blog I visit for relationship and dating counseling problems because i had been having serious problems with my boyfriend and we had been dating for 1 year, He just suddenly changed, He wasn't returning my calls, He started cheating, He was hurting me in so many ways i never thought possible and I just thought I should try this spell caster called Dr Paloma Cos there are so many good comments about him on the website, But before i could read his post,I have already contacted many spell caster that cheated me out of my hard earned money without given me result.But when i meet this spell caster out of desperation of some sort.I decided to contact them to please render there help to me, I explained all the problems that i was going through to him and he told me all i needed to do to get this spell castes. At first everything felt dreamy and unbelievable, Their consultations and solution was a little bit easy and strange and I was scared a little cos I had read and heard lots of stories of fake spell casters, scams and i never really believed in magic. I played along with a little hope and faith and I was sent some few stuffs after everything and it worked like a miracle, everything went to a whole new direction, it was and is amazing. I guess it was all good faith that made me read That particular post that faithful day.I hope they could help other people too like they did to me. I did a little and I got everything I wanted and wished for, My husband, My family and my life back You can contact Dr Paloma at: because he changed my life.

Tonian Johnson said...

I just want to say thank you prophet ahmed for all you have done for me.
He is back now. That very powerful spell caster STOP THE DIVORCE – and get my ex boyfriend back.
My name is Joy Philip, from Canada. I never believed in love
spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went for a business summit
early this year. I meant a man who's name is PROPHET AHMED
he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one's gone,
lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or
luck spell .I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to
marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down because our
relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was
against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster,i
told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At
first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try.And
in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend(now husband) called me by
himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his
mother and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I
didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my
boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now
and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and
our lives became much case you are in any situation you can contact
prophet ahmed at his email or his personal cell +2347053375151
Thank you for all your help prophet.

JULIANNA4 said...

Thank you thank you DR ABULU for what you have just done, for helping me geting my husband who left me with two kids april last year to me i thank you so much the great DR ABULU of for bringing back my family i am greatfull and will always be if you also need his help his email .

Anonymous said...

My name is Sandra and i want to testify of the good work done by a faithful Dr Osoba, a spell caster. in my life i never thought there is such thing as spiritual intercession. my problem started nine months back when the father of my kids started putting up some strange behavior, i never knew he was having an affair outside our matrimonial home. it dawn on me on that faithful day 19th of April 21st 4:23pm when he came to the house to pick his things that was when i knew that situation has gotten out of hand and he then told me he was quitting the marriage which i have built for over five years, i was confused and dumbfounded i called on family and friends but to no avail. two months after i started having problem with my kids welfare rent-age and all of it, i really went through hell. until a day i was browsing on the internet and i happen to meet a spell caster i never believed on this but i needed my man back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it but you know a problem shared is half solved after a week my husband called me telling me that he his coming back home and that was all. now we are living happily and i still do contact him on this email:

Anonymous said...

Santana Valdez Says
i am giving this testimony cos l am happy

My name is mrs. Santana Valdez from Houston,taxes.i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa in June 28th 2013 this year on a business summit. i ment a man called dr. Atakpo.He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love’s gone,misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job.i’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years… i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to taxes, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do… well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid,and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email address

Great Atakpo i thank you very much thank you in 1000000 times.. if not you i would have been losted and wasted thank you. Email Him Through his email address...

please make sure you contact him for any financial difficulties okay..

What a powerful man such as Dr Atakpo.. he is so much powerful..\\ email him for any difficulties..

Unknown said...

My Name is Vicky..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this powerful man called Dr Orissa. My husband divorce me with no reason for almost 3 years and i tried all i could to have him back cos i really love him so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 4 years with one kid and he woke up one morning and he told me he’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when he came back from work he tender to me a divorce letter and he packed all his loads from the house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have him back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 3 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that his with a girlfriend and that his girlfriend is the reason why he left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring him back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 24hours..24hours later,he called me himself and came to me apologizing and he told me he will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with job promotion spell 3 days later i was promoted at my place of work..Now we are very happy been together again and with our lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him via

Anonymous said...

I lost my 10 years relationship during April. My ex left me with so many pains and since then I have been heart broken and shattered. I have contact 15 spell casters and 10 of them has rip me off my money without any result. I have Emailed so many sites online looking for a good spell caster till I was directed by a 25 years old girl to At first I never believed him because he was requesting for some amount of money to buy items, it took him three weeks to convince me and something occur to mind and I said let me give him a trial. I was very shocked when Ruben called four days after I sent Dr Eromusela the items money. He apologies for all he has done wrong and I am very happy that we are together today because he proposed to me last night. I will advise you contact Email because he has done wonders in my life and I believe he can help you out in any problem.

UNKNOWN said...

Hi everyone, there is good news, a perfect and greats one. My daughter of 17years who has suffered of Ovarian Cancer for 2 and half years has been cure by a Herbal doctor called Dr. lamp, who uses herbal and traditional medicine to cure people. I have spent so much on my daughter's health for years but no improvement. A friend told me about this herbal man who cure people with herbal medicine. he cures all sickness, diseases, viruses, and infections with his different herbal curing medicine.
The result that declares my daughter janet healed was from a hospital here in Kansas, And the results of te test says my daughter was okay. Dr lamp directed that janet would be in 7days if she uses the medicine as directed. And 7days later, we went to confirm from the central hospital and several test that was done says my daughter is not sick or anything. So she was cured by this herbal doctor in 7days. This amaze me though. I would advice everyone to meet this dr lamp on, for his herbal medicine to cure your illness because am happy to see my daughter healthy again.
Meet dr lamp and set yourself and your love ones ill free.
doctor lamp email again is

Doreen said...

Hello Friend i have something to share with you !!! There is an great joy in my heart which i want to share with every one that is privilege to listen to me.My name is Nancy, i am from USA.I have a misunderstanding with my Lover few years ago which led to us broken up and he never wanted to hear my voice again because he saw a beautiful love more prettier than my self but as time want on i Met Doctor Zaza a great spell caster (medicine man ),i contacted him through his email and explain every thing to him and then he said that i shouldn't worry that my lover will come back to me on his knees begging for forgiveness. i bought some item which he told me to buy for the preparation of the spell and after every thing was prepared he told me that my lover will come to me with 24 hours begging and my greatest joy now is that he actually came back to me and fell on his knees begging for forgiveness and today we are happy with each other. Do you have any problem with your loved one and you do not know what to do? Well worry no more because Doctor Zaza can provide you with a spell to get he or she back with the help of a spell just as he helped me ok. contact Doctor Zaza today for your spell via email:

Anonymous said...

i want to thank for bringing back joy and happiness into my marriage,and for what he has done for me.i was happily married for 14 year before my husband ran away with a younger woman called kite.i have to provide for my children which was not easy being a single mother because i love my husband and i tried all my best to get him back but all failed.i have to tell my best friend about my situation who directed me to spell caster from the Greek. he did a love and reuniting spell that bring back my lovely husband.and both of us are so very happy.If you have any problems about your relationship or any kinds of problem, i advise you to contact him.he is the only solution to your problems.Dr trust( SPELLCASTTEMPLE100@YAHOO.COM)

Anonymous said...

i want to thank for bringing back joy and happiness into my marriage,and for what he has done for me.i was happily married for 14 year before my husband ran away with a younger woman called kite.i have to provide for my children which was not easy being a single mother because i love my husband and i tried all my best to get him back but all failed.i have to tell my best friend about my situation who directed me to spell caster from the Greek. he did a love and reuniting spell that bring back my lovely husband.and both of us are so very happy.If you have any problems about your relationship or any kinds of problem, i advise you to contact him.he is the only solution to your problems.Dr trust( SPELLCASTTEMPLE100@YAHOO.COM)

miss rose said...

Greeting to any body that is reading my comment, All Thanks goes to, i was married to my husband, and we were living fine and happy. it come to an extend that my husband that use to love and care for me, those not have my time again, until i fined at that he was having an affair with another woman, i try to stop him,all my effort was in-vain suddenly he divorce me and went for the woman. he live me with two of our kids, i cry all day, i was in pains, sorrow and looking for help. i was reading a news paper, i saw how dr. trust help people with his love and reuniting spell. so i decided to contact him and explain my problem to him, he did a love spell that make my husband to come back to me and our kids and never think of the woman. this man is god sent to restore heart break and reunite relationship. may the lord be your strength and continue to use you to save people relationship and any problem they encounter contact him for help ULTIMATESPELLCAST@GMAIL.COM. i promise you that you, he will but a smile on your face and make you feel happy. good luck.

miss rose said...

Greeting to any body that is reading my comment, All Thanks goes to, i was married to my husband, and we were living fine and happy. it come to an extend that my husband that use to love and care for me, those not have my time again, until i fined at that he was having an affair with another woman, i try to stop him,all my effort was in-vain suddenly he divorce me and went for the woman. he live me with two of our kids, i cry all day, i was in pains, sorrow and looking for help. i was reading a news paper, i saw how dr. trust help people with his love and reuniting spell. so i decided to contact him and explain my problem to him, he did a love spell that make my husband to come back to me and our kids and never think of the woman. this man is god sent to restore heart break and reunite relationship. may the lord be your strength and continue to use you to save people relationship and any problem they encounter contact him for help ULTIMATESPELLCAST@GMAIL.COM. i promise you that you, he will but a smile on your face and make you feel happy. good luck.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes,Life can be very displeasing, most times when we loose the ones we love and cherish so much. in this kind of situation where one loses his/her soul mate,heartbreak . one may not be his former self, then success will be very scarce and happiness will be rare. that person was created to be with you for without him things may fall apart. That was my experience late last year. but thank god today i am happy with him again. all thanks goes to Dr. EDIONWE, i was nearly loosing hope until i saw an article on how Dr. EDIONWE could cast a love spell to make lovers come back. There is no harm in trying, i said to my self. i contacted him via email: Oh my God,words will not be enough to appreciate what he has done for me. i have promised to share the good news as long as i live.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes,Life can be very displeasing, most times when we loose the ones we love and cherish so much. in this kind of situation where one loses his/her soul mate,heartbreak . one may not be his former self, then success will be very scarce and happiness will be rare. that person was created to be with you for without him things may fall apart. That was my experience late last year. but thank god today i am happy with him again. all thanks goes to Dr. EDIONWE, i was nearly loosing hope until i saw an article on how Dr. EDIONWE could cast a love spell to make lovers come back. There is no harm in trying, i said to my self. i contacted him via email: Oh my God,words will not be enough to appreciate what he has done for me. i have promised to share the good news as long as i live.

Anonymous said...

I have been sack in my working place for the pass 1years plus now and I have been trying everything within my power to go back to my work again but it didn't work for me until I met a man called Dr. egbenakhue the spell caster on the internet who help me to cast a spell and after 3weeksletter I was called at my working place which has never happen for the pass 1year plus now and I was surprise that the director said that I should come and resume office again and they will pay me my 1year plus salary I was so excited and i really appreciate what Dr.egbenakhue the powerful spell caster has done for me and if you have any problem quickly run to him and your problem will be solved contact his email on egbenakhuespelltimpel

Anonymous said...

First of all, Am just short of words i don't know what to say, am so grateful to Dr egbenakue for what he has done for me. At first i thought he was a scam like two others that i worked with, but i just decided to contact him then he told me that my lover will be back home within 4days. When the 4 days completed my husband called me and said he was sorry for the frequent argument and fight, i was so happy that my husband who left me for over 2 years called me. Now we are together he can't do without me, he always wants me to be by his side and he just bought me a new car. If you want to contact him for help, his email is

Anonymous said...

I have been sack in my working place for the pass 1years plus now and I have been trying everything within my power to go back to my work again but it didn't work for me until I met a man called Dr. egbenakhue the spell caster on the internet who help me to cast a spell and after 3weeksletter I was called at my working place which has never happen for the pass 1year plus now and I was surprise that the director said that I should come and resume office again and they will pay me my 1year plus salary I was so excited and i really appreciate what Dr.egbenakhue the powerful spell caster has done for me and if you have any problem quickly run to him and your problem will be solved contact his email on egbenakhuespelltimpel

Anonymous said...

I have been sack in my working place for the pass 1years plus now and I have been trying everything within my power to go back to my work again but it didn't work for me until I met a man called Dr. egbenakhue the spell caster on the internet who help me to cast a spell and after 3weeksletter I was called at my working place which has never happen for the pass 1year plus now and I was surprise that the director said that I should come and resume office again and they will pay me my 1year plus salary I was so excited and i really appreciate what Dr.egbenakhue the powerful spell caster has done for me and if you have any problem quickly run to him and your problem will be solved contact his email on egbenakhuespelltimpel

Anonymous said...

My Name is LATINA I am the happiest person on earth today because today My five years run away lover came back to me on his knees with tears on his eye begging me to forgive him and accept him back, Doctor obosianzen a great Spell caster made this possible with the help of a spell. i saw his email on the internet where a girl post on how Doctor obosianzen helped her so i decided to contact him and he told me that every thing will be fine and now i am happy because Doctor obosiazen is a man of his world because every thing went well as he promised me. Are you having misunderstanding with your love or is your love seeing someone ex ? what is your problem that you want to solve? contact Doctor obosianzen today via email and every thing will be fine okay his email:

Anonymous said...

I heard so many things from anita kelvin, about DR obosianzen from and every story about him has been so great. so here is my story me and the father of my son has been off and on for 3 years its been a very stressful relationship. he cheated on me and I was very hurt, it was miserable for me so in returned I cheated because I wanted him to feel the pain but he never cares so we went apart, so he went back to his ex.i wanted him to leave her and let us come back together, I love him so much and I just want him to feel the same way i feel for him, luckly for me DR obosianzen was the one who brought my lover back to me, he is a good spell caster. his contact address is .you can still save your marriage if u really love your husband or your wife

Anonymous said...

My husband had been gone for about 13 months, I contacted ophan spell and within a few minutes of speaking with him, I realized that ophan spell was the one person whom I could completely trust. I didn't expect the spell would work so fast. Within 48 hours, My husband was back in my life. After been paid thousands of dollars to other spell caster and got no results at all.. I want to express my warmest gratitude, ophan spell I'll never ever forget all the happiness you gave me. I will still use ophan spell again for further work in the future. You can contact him via his private mail

Anonymous said...

Greeting to any body that is reading my comment, All Thanks goes to, i was married to my husband, and we were living fine and happy. it come to an extend that my husband that use to love and care for me, those not have my time again, until i fined at that he was having an affair with another woman, i try to stop him,all my effort was in-vain sadly he divorce me and went for the woman. he live me with two of our kids, i cry all day, i was in pains, sorrow and looking for help. i was reading a news paper, i saw how dr. trust help people with his love and reuniting spell. so i decided to contact him and explain my problem to him, he did a love spell that make my husband to come back to me and our kids and never think of the woman. this man is god sent to restore heart break and reunite relationship. may the lord be your strength and continue to use you to save people relationship and any problem they encounter contact him for help ULTIMATESPELLCAST@GMAIL.COM. i promise you that, he will but a smile on your face and make you feel happy. good luck.

Anonymous said...

Greeting to any body that is reading my comment, All Thanks goes to, i was married to my husband, and we were living fine and happy. it come to an extend that my husband that use to love and care for me, those not have my time again, until i fined at that he was having an affair with another woman, i try to stop him,all my effort was in-vain sadly he divorce me and went for the woman. he live me with two of our kids, i cry all day, i was in pains, sorrow and looking for help. i was reading a news paper, i saw how dr. trust help people with his love and reuniting spell. so i decided to contact him and explain my problem to him, he did a love spell that make my husband to come back to me and our kids and never think of the woman. this man is god sent to restore heart break and reunite relationship. may the lord be your strength and continue to use you to save people relationship and any problem they encounter contact him for help ULTIMATESPELLCAST@GMAIL.COM. i promise you that, he will but a smile on your face and make you feel happy. good luck.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes,Life can be very displeasing, most times when we loose the ones we love and cherish so much. in this kind of situation where one loses his/her soul mate,heartbreak . one may not be his former self, then success will be very scarce and happiness will be rare. that person was created to be with you for without him things may fall apart. That was my experience late last year. but thank god today i am happy with him again. all thanks goes to Dr. EDIONWE, i was nearly loosing hope until i saw an article on how Dr. EDIONWE could cast a love spell to make lovers come back. There is no harm in trying, i said to my self. i contacted him via email: Oh my God,words will not be enough to appreciate what he has done for me. i have promised to share the good news as long as i live.

Anonymous said...

My name is Sandra and i want to testify of the good work done by a faithful Dr Osoba, a spell caster. in my life i never thought there is such thing as spiritual intercession. my problem started nine months back when the father of my kids started putting up some strange behavior, i never knew he was having an affair outside our matrimonial home. it dawn on me on that faithful day 19th of April 21st 4:23pm when he came to the house to pick his things that was when i knew that situation has gotten out of hand and he then told me he was quitting the marriage which i have built for over five years, i was confused and dumbfounded i called on family and friends but to no avail. two months after i started having problem with my kids welfare rent-age and all of it, i really went through hell. until a day i was browsing on the internet and i happen to meet a spell caster i never believed on this but i needed my man back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it but you know a problem shared is half solved after a week my husband called me telling me that he his coming back home and that was all. now we are living happily and i still do contact him on this email:

Anonymous said...

My name is Sandra and i want to testify of the good work done by a faithful Dr Osoba, a spell caster. in my life i never thought there is such thing as spiritual intercession. my problem started nine months back when the father of my kids started putting up some strange behavior, i never knew he was having an affair outside our matrimonial home. it dawn on me on that faithful day 19th of April 21st 4:23pm when he came to the house to pick his things that was when i knew that situation has gotten out of hand and he then told me he was quitting the marriage which i have built for over five years, i was confused and dumbfounded i called on family and friends but to no avail. two months after i started having problem with my kids welfare rent-age and all of it, i really went through hell. until a day i was browsing on the internet and i happen to meet a spell caster i never believed on this but i needed my man back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it but you know a problem shared is half solved after a week my husband called me telling me that he his coming back home and that was all. now we are living happily and i still do contact him on this email:

Unknown said...

I am full of joy and happiness, because I have my lover back at my palm. My lover left me for almost 2 years. He does not pick or even return my calls and mails I tried every ways to get him back, but no way. Until I met with this great spell caster called Dr. FUGAR, who casted a spell for me to get my ex back in less than 72hrs. I advise anyone visiting this site to run to him immediately for any relationship help. He is a very powerful and experience spell caster you can get help from. I contacted him with GREATMAGICSPELL@GMAIL.COM and his phone number +2348107430434. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I want to say thanks to PRIEST SANGOMA for bring back my lover to me , my husband said he want to divorce me for him to get marry to another woman after will have be together for 6 years few days for us to go and divorce i say some body testify of what a spell caster have done for her so i desired to give a try it was 7 days to go and divorce and when i contacted him , he said that he can get him back for me' the third day my husband stop the divorce and now will are to gather for good .....if you in any type of problem in your relationship contact him via email:
OR call him on his cell phone +2348073082462

Elli Avain


Anonymous said...

Helen john

hello readers,
my name is Helen john,i want to thank Dr solution for the spell you cast for me…my ex came back to me 2 days after you cast the spell for me and
he said to me that he is sorry…and also i have been selected for the interview i went for,i know all this are your power.Please help me thank Dr solution on his email: I am aware that your spells do not need refreshing peers, but every time I have ordered with you the most astonishing and wonderful things have happened, and it’s always been an amazing with my man,and very soon we will get married please contact Dr solution on his email: It is great to know that there is a helping hand out there whenever I feel the need for it.please contact Dr solution
on his email; because he is indeed a great spell caster and with him your problems will be solve.

Anonymous said...


He brought back my ex,
my name is micheal from america,i had a problem with my wife sometimes ago but never knew what the problem was,i tried to asked her but she refused to tell me what it was as time goes on i discovered she was having an affair with a friend of mine that happens to be my best friend,i was so sad that i never knew what to do next,during my search for a way out i met a friend of mine who had similar problem and introduced me to a man who helped him with his situation,on getting to the man i discovered he was a spell caster i was shocked because i have not had anything to do with a spell caster in my entire life so i tried to give this man a chance cos i never believed in spell casting as i thought it will not work for me but to my surprise i got
positive results and i was able to get my wife back from him even after the spell caster did all i discovered my wife fell much more in love with me on like before so i was so happy that i never know what to do for him so i am using this opportunity to tell anyone having similar problem visit or contact will surely solve your problems temple of solution.....

Anonymous said...

I am Miss Anita from malaysia , I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my boyfriend return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank PRIEST SANGOMA for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is real and genuine. I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my boyfriend, I required help until i found a grate spell caster, And he cast a love spell for me, and he assured me that I will get my boyfriend back in two days after the spell has been cast. two days later, my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was my boyfriend who has not called me for past 2 years now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me. PRIEST SANGOMA released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. As I’m writing this testimony right now I’m the most happiest girl on earth and me and my fiance is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. So that’s why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe.All thanks goes to PRIEST SANGOMA for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as he has done mine for me, he will definitely help you too. (+2348073082462)



Anonymous said...

Florence Jordan

My name is miss Florence Jordan, am from Canada this is a testimony i love telling to every one of you to hear. i have been with my ex boyfriend four 4years and on the fifth year of being together, another woman had a spell on him and take my lover away from me and myboyfriend left me and i have suffered for 2years until i meant a post where this man idumebo Priest have helped someone and i decided to give him a trial to help me bring my boyfriend back to me and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my ex boyfriend and after 48hours as he has told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my ex and he has come to me begging me to forgive him that he didnt know what came over him, and that he loves me and wanted me back. that is why i am happy to make every one of you in similar situation to meet with this man and have your ex lover back to your self. His email:
he is a good man and straight forward human and i will never stop telling good about him because he save me from all my troubles.GOOD LUCK…………….

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone my name is Cindy John, i just want to share my experience and testimony here.. i was married for 7 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the picture he started hating me and he was abusive. but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost then he filed for divorce my whole life was turning apart and i didn't know what to do he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids that we have, so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster name so i decided to try it reluctantly. although i didn't believe in all those things then when he did the special prayers and spell, after 2 days, my husband came back and was pleading for my forgiveness that he had realized his mistakes I just couldn't believe it anyway we are back together now and we are happy in case anyone needs this man, his email address his spells is for a better life.

Thank You said...

Life is all about good and bad experience. It was all good and lovely when i met Yolie, i was a good business woman until things become rough between us and my business started liquidating. Now but my wife and my business is going so bad. Not until when i met an old friend who directed me to Dr Wicca for help. I was speechless to be honest and shocked, after so many problems from my wife and business

I never believe in spell in my life but i have to give it a trial because Dr Wicca is a man someone can trust.
My wife, my life and my business are all good now. Thanks to Dr Wicca. It never too late to contact him 24/7 line for the emergency rescue of your life.... +2348097350565 or also find him on facebook on: Wicca temple

Sent from my MetroPCS 4G Wireless Phone

success rose said...

After 1.5 year relationship with my boyfriend, he changed suddenly and stopped contacting me regularly, he would come up with excuses of not seeing me all the time. He stopped answering my calls and my sms and he stopped seeing me regularly. I then started catching him with different girls several times but every time he would say that he love me and that he needed some time to think about our relationship.But cannot stop thinking about him so i decided to go online and i saw so many good talk about this spell caster and i contact him and explain my problems to him.He cast a love spell for me which i use and after 2 day, my boyfriend came back to me and started contacting me regularly and we moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. We eventually got married and we now have been married happily for 3 years with a son. Ever since Dr.Kumar of helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before.You can also contact this spell caster and get your relationshp fix Email: SPELLCASTTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM

success rose said...

After 1.5 year relationship with my boyfriend, he changed suddenly and stopped contacting me regularly, he would come up with excuses of not seeing me all the time. He stopped answering my calls and my sms and he stopped seeing me regularly. I then started catching him with different girls several times but every time he would say that he love me and that he needed some time to think about our relationship.But cannot stop thinking about him so i decided to go online and i saw so many good talk about this spell caster and i contact him and explain my problems to him.He cast a love spell for me which i use and after 2 day, my boyfriend came back to me and started contacting me regularly and we moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. We eventually got married and we now have been married happily for 3 years with a son. Ever since Dr.Kumar of helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before.You can also contact this spell caster and get your relationshp fix Email: SPELLCASTTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM

Unknown said...

HI My Name is Jennifer , I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called dr ABULU of( has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost family to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called James we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give he a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get he back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email then you wont believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother a baby girl, thank you once again the great ABULU for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through this same kind of problems you can contact he today on his mail ( or his website, and he will also help you as well.

Anonymous said...


What are your needs and request and you keep bordering your self and you think no one am here for you there is still hope, try me and see. Am a powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one`s gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell , have any one collected anything that has made you cry, pains you to your bone, come and see surprises. I don't talk much but come and see for your self. Contact me Sir. Lord Harry via his email:


Unknown said...

My name is JOHN MARY am from USA; I want to personally thank a great spell caster (Dr. Ofure) that helps me to bring back my lover in just two days. It was like dream in my eyes when i see my man comes back to me with the help of Dr. Ofure the great spell caster. I want to use the opportunity to tell the people on this site that Dr. Ofure is good man and very kind person being sent by God. So if you are in any relationship problem Dr. Ofure is available to help you he did mine so he can do yours no matter what the problem is Dr. Ofure is capable and as such i have contacted fake spell caster they all eat my money and tell me a lot of story but when i contacted Dr. Ofure he restored all that i have lost back to me. Here is his contact e-mail: .OR CALL HIM THROUGH HIS MOBILE: +2348108978213

Anonymous said...

When I married my husband I was already pregnant and so I didn't have a job. He had a really good job though so I was able to stay home and take care of our son when it was born. When we had our second child we moved to a bigger house, but then strange things started to happen. Things would fly off the walls and doors would slam at night. Our oldest son talked about seeing figures and hearing voices. We consulted a medium and they said the house was haunted. After living there about a year more with only minor occurrences we moved out. That was when the bad luck started to happen. Everything started to fail, with my husband's job, our money and our luck in general. I went back to the same medium and they told me that a spirit had followed me and placed a curse upon me for disturbing it and not being respectful in the previous house. He tried to remove it but was unable. The misfortune kept going on and getting more severe as I tried to search out someone to break the curse. But when I found Dr.Azonto spell he finally did it. Things started turning around almost immediately after he cast the spell and have been great from there! This was really a miracle for us, thank you . azontotemple@ yahoo. com spell from the bottom of my heart!
Posted by. miss Sandra Chali

annoymous said...

I am Mario from Dellas Texas, It is so amazing to know such a man called Dr.Zabaza because he is so powerful that he was able to bring Ann back to me within 48 hours. Ann left for another guy and for some weeks i was so helpless because she met everything to me. But Dr.Zabaza was able to put smile in my face when he brought Ann back to me just within 48 hours. And today me and Ann are back together all through the help of Dr.Zabaza whose contact details are or you can give him a call on +2348182620374

Anonymous said...

My Name is Richard From Scotland..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster once when i went to Africa to Execute some business..He is really powerful.The woman i wanted to marry left me 2 weeks to our wedding ceremony and my life was upside down.she was with me for 3 years and i really love her so much..she left me for another man with no reason..when i called her she never picked up my calls and she don’t want to see me around her…so,when i told the man what happened.he helped me to do some readings,and after the readings he made me to realize that the other man has done some spells over my wife and that is the reason why she left me..he told me he will help me to cast a spell that bring her back.At first i was skeptical but i just gave it a try…In 5 days,she called me herself and came to me apologizing..I cant believe she can ever come back to me again but now i am happy she’s back and we are married now with lovely kid and we live as a happy family..Am posting this to the forum incise anyone needs the man.His email address is

Anonymous said...

DO NOT SUFFER YOUR SELF FROM ANY BREAK DOWN,CURSE OR ANY KIND OF SPIRITUAL SET BACK. COME TO DR. OFURE FOR YOUR HELP. Authority is king! The spell that i provide is the ultimate fast results, It can be hard to find the exact spell caster you need, when you don't know what to look for in a professional spell caster. The best spell casters are not easy to pick out! Many hearts are broken every day and many people suffer in vain. Don't be one of them. Let me help you with your case. My powerful spells can STOP A DIVORCE and much much more! and I am considered one of the most powerful spell casters with white magic. I can help you. I have a big range of powerful spells to use for your needs. What outcome do you want? You might wonder how the spells will affect you? Will the spell be helpful? YES! The spells I cast for you will not have any unwanted side effects such as bad Karma. As long as the intentions are pure out of love as I am sure they are, right?. Magic is actually an energy from mother earth that can be controlled. You yourself might even be able to do it after years of practice. Specializing in the fields of Love, Money, Power, Success, Pregnancy, Sickness, Luck and Witch Craft. I can help you with any problem or wish that you might have. Contact me today: Or Contact Me Through My Contact: +2348108978213

Anonymous said...

i just want to share my experience and testimony here.. i was married for 4 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the picture.. he started hailing me and he was abusive..but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost…then he filed for whole life was turning apart and i didn't know what to do..he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids.. so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster…so i decided to try it reluctantly..although i didn't believe in all those things… then when he did the special prayers and spell, after 2days, my husband came back and was pleading..he had realized his mistakes..i just couldn't believe it.. anyways we are back together now and we are case anyone needs this man, his email address his spells is for a better life. again his email is

Galina said...

Dear Dr. Lametu, I just wanted to thank you for all your help and efforts with my situation with Chris. As you know, he broke up with me a few weeks ago and I found you and asked for your help. I had you cast a Return My Ex-Boyfriend Love Spell on our behalf and I have to tell you that I am very pleased with the final outcome! I'm happy to say, we are back together again after a few short weeks apart! I was so miserable without him in my life. You have made me so happy! I am ordering a Binding Love Spell right now to make sure we don't split up again! Thank you for all your hard work and attention to my serious problem! If you desire happiness contact and you will definitely get which you have desired.

Anonymous said...

I want to say thank you thank you thank you to Ancient Dr PALOMA SPELLTEMPLE for everything so far. To everyone who doesn’t believe in spell, I was one of those ones at first. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do this since I’ve tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read through the testimonials of other people at this website and after I talked Dr PALOMA who answered all my questions and was very nice about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my guy back. So my story is that I was at my office when the guy I am in love with told me that he wasn’t in love with me and never will be and that he didn’t want to speak or see me again, especially since he was talking to this other girl. When I talked to Dr PALOMA, he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the ones that was to get him back to me and stay with me and want to marry me.As soon as he started on the spells, my guy came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful for that. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what Dr PALOMA said would happen. He’s always there when you need him and that’s also after the spell is done. I’m still waiting for the spells to completely manifest, but with all that has happened so far I’m very happy because given only four months ago in March, if you asked me or my friends if I would have anticipated how things were right now…no one would believe it! Dr paloma. contact is email address

Anonymous said...

My name is John Kerry, I leave in the USA, my girlfriend and I have been together for over 4 years now, in the last few weeks I have been having problems with her, I do love this girl a lot and do want to get married to her but at times I did feel a little confused about this and has wondered if she has been true to the relationship...until I found Mark, who told me that she was not being true with me.. I did later find out that she has been seeing her ex-boyfriend I was devastated and did not know what to do, although I still loved her and could not see myself with anyone else, I did not want to lose her and Mark assured me that they could help me with this problem, he told me about a spell caster Dr. ogboni decided to give it a trier so I contacted Dr.ogboni once again to let him know that I did want to get help with this. With the powers that they do have my girlfriend and I did work a lot of things out and she has come back to me and we are now back together and engaged I did get over the fact that she has cheated on me but sometimes we do need to forget the past and move on to a better future and without Mark help I don't think it would have ever worked out. He is truly an Angel sent from up above! You can contact him via his e-mail: Thank you Dr. ogboni

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Anonymous said...

MY IS Rose Clinton i am from UK and i am a married woman with an husband a some lovely kids and i am a successful worker a my company were i work and i am here to share a good work for a great spell caster of help in my time of needs and he is these Dr is a man who treat everyone like their is own children and he his so understanding and kind,and not at all a SCAM!and i had some problems with my husband and he left me and my kids and left with nothing and i cried all day and i was a woman who never believe in anything spell caster because i used to hear different story about them and their SCAM activities and i was so badly hurt by my husband and one day in my office i was crying the problems affected me at my place of work and a very good friend of me,walk into my office and meant me crying and ask why i explained everything to her and she laugh and ask why are you laughing she said she have also been through that same problem by her husband and she introduce me to a spell caster name Dr ( after everything he ask me to do i have did then,o my greatest surprise three days later my husband was out side my house crying for forgiveness to take him back,we are now stronger than ever before,we are now strong family and i thank this kind man this his contact

Unknown said...

i just want to share my experience and testimony here.. i was married for 4 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the picture.. he started hailing me and he was abusive..but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost…then he filed for whole life was turning apart and i didn't know what to do..he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids.. so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster…so i decided to try it reluctantly..although i didn't believe in all those things… then when he did the special prayers and spell, after 2days, my husband came back and was pleading..he had realized his mistakes..i just couldn't believe it.. anyways we are back together now and we are case anyone needs this man, his email address his spells is for a better life. again his email is

Anonymous said...

I never believed in love spells or magic until I met this spell caster once when i went to see my friend in Indian this year on a business summit. I meant a man who's name is Dr ATILA he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one's gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I'm now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 5 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is

Unknown said...

After years in marriage with my husband with 2 kids, my husband started going out with other ladies and showed me cold love, on several occasions he threatens to divorce me if I dare question him about his affair with other ladies, I was totally devastated and confused until a old friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the internet Dr. Trust who help people with the relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contact him, he helped me cast a spell and within 24hours my husband came back to me and started apologizing, now he has stopped going out with ladies and he his with me for good and has showed me so much love. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship or marriage problem at . you will be glad you did because he is a powerful doctor in relationships.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful spell caster that has brought back happiness to my life, i got married to Paul and we loved and cherish ourselves so much but he just woke up one morning saying he needs a divorce I was so damn surprise to hear that statement from Paul the next day I got a letter from the lawyer that I should be in court on the 4th of September I was like how would I start this new month with a court case and as well I was also trying to get a loan which I have been paying for and I need got the loan so then I contacted Dr Sakura after I read lots of reviews about him on the internet I had confident in him that he would surly cancel the divorce and also my loan would be credited Dr Sakura just told me that everything would be sorted out within 48 hours I put all my trust in him because Dr Sakura does not believe in Black magic or Voodoo power he believes in Almighty God believe me within 48 hours the divorce that we where suppose to go to court was canceled and as well my loan which I have been trying to get for 3 years was credited it was a wonderful news and as well my lover came and apologize to me and told the lawyer to will all his properties to me and make everything be in my name and made me had his SSN, and ATM pin just to prove to me that he wont leave me for any reason am so happy today and please if you need help just contact Dr Sakura on or cell number +2348018978213.

Unknown said...

Am so happy to testify about a great spell caster that helped me when all hope was lost for me to unite with my ex girl friend that i love so much. Am from CANADA and my name is TUCKER CONRALD, i had a girl friend that love me so much but something terrible happen to our relationship one afternoon when her girl friend that was always trying to get to me was trying to force me to make love to her just because she was been jealous of her friend that i was dating and on the scene my girl friend just walk in and she thought we had something special doing together, i tried to explain things to her that her friend always do this when ever she is not with me and i always refuse her but i never told her because i did not want the both of them to be enemies to each other but she never believed me. She broke up with me and i tried times with out numbers to make her believe me but she never believed me until one day i heard about the GREAT DR. TEBE and i emailed him with his email and he replied me so kindly and help me get back my lovely relationship that was already gone for two months. Am so happy and all thanks to the GREAT DR. TEBE that help me with his white love powers. If you have any kind of problem email him now for help with his email or call him with his private number +2348112277054
He can help you solve these problem below:
Do you want your ex lover back?
Do you want to get pregnant?
Do you want to be famous or rich?
Do you want to be a celebrity?
Do you your business to grow excessively?
Do you want to be honorably good academically?
Do you need a job?
Do you need a husband?

DR. TEBE can help you with any problem or wish that you might have.
Contact me today: or call me with this number +2348112277054

Unknown said...

In this life there are some people that we always live to remember, as for me i will always live to be grateful to HIGH

PRIEST ASHRA OF ASHRA SPELL TEMPLE for helping me get my lover back within 48hours. If you wish to contact HIGH PRIEST

ASHRA you can always reach him via or give him a call on +2348058176311

Unknown said...

I am Miss Vero., From RUSSIA. I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman, And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that I was not concentrating in the office the way I use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident, I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was bringing to think that I was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever, So I really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly, In the first place she refused in telling me, She asked me why I am asking her such a question, That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question, That my lover started cheating on me lately, When I knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that I went to ask her, She opened up to me by telling me that I should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me, The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her, And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT, POWER, DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER, she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then I also ask her how I can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME, THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS DR synagogue of next question to her was how can I get this wonderful spell caster, She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem, Really she gave to me this spell caster email and I contacted him and explained all to him, And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and I was so glad that I have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So I made a promise to him that I will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that I narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces! The direct email to get this man is :,. This is what I want to tell you all out there That is thinking that all hope is lost ok..Thanks.

Unknown said...

Many people might think Africa does not possess magical powers while others might think Africa possess powerful magical powers but what i am about to share through this article of my testimony is of a truth, Africa possess world potent magical powers. But like the old sayings of the wise, before someone finds something that is good, it takes a little while and moreover, anything good always has duplicate which is why persons in need of help to various problems should always look down carefully before knowing righful source of help because today, there are many sources of help but only few are true sources as we humans cannot cheat nature; it is always like that. And magic and spells is something powerful and sometimes dangerous that we shouldn't toil with, if you know you ready and prepared to have your problems get solved, then you go for help but if one knows he isn't prepared or ready, then i beg you, don't embark on finding solution to your problems as one might add problem to his problems. But all the same, magic and spell is something good because it works fast and is reliable. Another important thing i have come to realize is Nothing good comes easy, there are many people who thinks getting solution to their problems is something you tell a magical lord and then help comes at once, there are tasks obtainable to we in need of help before solution comes and when we accepts this fact; then i don't see reason why help won't come but the fact is there are right and wrong sources of help but solution only comes when we contact rightful sources and i pray you find rightful sources of help.
Well, I am Amanda Cordoba and my problem was something intensifying. It was a curse that lead to death of whosoever i love. How it happen was, my mom before her death was banished because she practised magic and her husband who supposed to be her joy because of the fact that she was a witch, also deserted her the time she needed him most because as at that time according to history; i was in her {that is she was Pregnant}. So, when it was time to deliver me, she was alone and then in the process, she hated man and out of anger, she placed a curse upon me which she thought was a blessing by saying "No man will ever know me to talk of punish me with love". So that was it, when i became grown up, no matter how i want to be friends with especially male, they ignore me but there was one who loved me and i also loved him but a week to our marriage, he died because of the curse. This was my pain and agony because i wanted to be like other of my mates who were in their matrimonial home but mine case was a different one.
So, while i search for solution to this problem, i was adviced and counseled but still, the curse was still there and i was frustrated and lonely and then on a night, i had a dream in which Synagogue SPELLS AND MAGIC was revealed to me as the only source that could help me and i then in the morning of it, searched for Synagogue spells and magic on the internet but to no avail, i inquired from my friends online and my guardian but they never knew any thing like that. I gave up but on a great morning as i checked my email, behold i received a mail from telling me my story and promising to help me and within 2 days, this curse was broken and today, i am free and i am married.

If you are in one or two problems with your life or perhaps you need help to that ugly situation, then this is your opportunity to send email to and i pray that you will be helped.............

Mark said...

Thanks to this great man of spirit called Dr Samura which I don't know how to thank him for the good work he has Don for me and family which I want to share my testimony with to you all so I was married to Hassan Moel and my name is Julie deshields for six years now he left me with two kids with know reason which I don't know what to one day i was in my friends place when I exposed my pain to her about my depression which I have be looking for who to help me out of it then my friend called me closer to her self telling me on how she got this great man of spirit who helped her found her way to get her husband back then I ask of his contact she quickly go and get her computer and gave me his Email ID and his number so,that is how I contacted him for a help. And now am so happy with my family and with a happy home if you are in such pain kindly Via Email SAMURATELLERSPELL100@YAHOO.COM or call +2347030410643 have faith in him and he will help you
Julie Deshields.

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

I m ANGELINA from RUSSIA,My ex lover now [husband] is back and we are happily married with kids and i m here to gave thanks and appreciation to Dr MAXI the spell caster of for all the time He stood by me,for all the truth He make me see,for all the happiness He brought into my life,for all the wrongs He make right,for every of my dreams He make come through and for the help i found in Him,i am grateful and thankful unto Him,He was the one that helped me all,He never let me fall,He was the one that saw me through it all,He was my source of strength when i was weak,He was my voice when i couldn`t speak,He was my eyes when i couldn`t see,He saw the pain wasn`t good for me,He lifted me were i couldn`t reach,i m everything i m today because You helped me,i m so happy my husband is back in my life at last,His email is,A temple were sorrows are dropped and happiness is gain in return.

Anonymous said...

Thank u!! Thank u!!! This is crazy! I was doing a relaxing ceremony you gave me and meditated on him coming back and the door knocked and there he was? Is this the candid camera?? OMG is REALLY AMAZING!!!

Katie - Orlando Fl

Unknown said...

Dear Dr Obodo, after going through 3 failed IVF cycles and several IUI's without any results, I had started my journey at the age of 37 as I couldn't accept the fact that I wouldn't have any children of my own. By sheer accident I found your a testimony on the net of how you help her with natural herb to get pregnant, I followed up with the email i saw in the article which is ! After over seven years of trying to conceive and thousands of dollars spent on infertility treatments, I had actually succeeded to get pregnant the natural way without any drugs or medical intervention all because of a your spell and herb that costs less than $750! I'm going to have my first baby in 1 month! I still cannot believe it!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Am giving this testimony because someone out there may have similar problem My Husband doesn’t think polygamy is wrong. He has been seeing another girl for about four months now. I told him that he needs to stop, but he says he is in love with her. They’ve talked about being together “forever” and eventually her moving in with us. My husband still loves me. He regrets getting into this in the first place, but is not willing to just break up with her. He says if they so break up then thy will be it and he will not pursue another relationship. I contacted DR agumagu a spell caster who cast a 24 hour spell for me surprisingly my husband came home on his knees begging me to forgive him that he has broke up with his mistress all thanks to DR agumagu I pray that God will continue to use you to help people. Friends don’t die in silent because someone like DR agumagu has a solution to your problem is living happily with my family. Contact him via

Unknown said...

Am giving this testimony because someone out there may have similar problem My Husband doesn’t think polygamy is wrong. He has been seeing another girl for about four months now. I told him that he needs to stop, but he says he is in love with her. They’ve talked about being together “forever” and eventually her moving in with us. My husband still loves me. He regrets getting into this in the first place, but is not willing to just break up with her. He says if they so break up then thy will be it and he will not pursue another relationship. I contacted DR agumagu a spell caster who cast a 24 hour spell for me surprisingly my husband came home on his knees begging me to forgive him that he has broke up with his mistress all thanks to DR agumagu I pray that God will continue to use you to help people. Friends don’t die in silent because someone like DR agumagu has a solution to your problem is living happily with my family. Contact him via

Aakriti said...

that is right.yes there has been a research that states that marriage can help partner survive the cancer up to an extent,as they care for each other. they give attention to one another. this way the chances of disease is lessened. that is a fact. see the link
Marriage helps cure cancer

Unknown said...

My boyfriend broke up with me 6months ago..saying things like, I want I be on my own, go out with mates, we weren’t getting on anymore. Which I thought was bizarre because we would always joke around, we were together for 4&half years. Took him only 2 months to find a new girlfriend he seems to of forgotten all about me,i cry all day blc of the love i have for him, one day i was online i and came across Mrs jenni sharing on how a spell caster helped her to build her marriage and they are living happily, so i email the spell caster called Dr Omozokpia ( and explain every thing that happened to him and he promise to help me return me husband in just 3 days and he also promise after the love spell he is going to love and cherish only me forever. To my greatest surprise everything go as he said and i also promise Dr i will also share his testimony online you can reach him at (

Unknown said...

I was crushed when my lover of three years left to be with another woman. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help.And i saw a testimony of a spell caster who help a girl called michelle and i said let me give it a try so i contact him for help and he cast a love spell for me which i use in getting my love back and now i am a happy woman.For what you have done for me,i will not stop to share your goodness to people out there for the good work you are doing.I hope God blesses you as much as you have help me to get my Love back,visit him on is the only answer to your problemS

Anonymous said...

After 9 years in marriage with my hubby with 3 kids, my husband started going out with other ladies and showed me cold love, on several occasions he threatens to divorce me if I dare question him about his affair with other ladies, I was totally devastated and confused until a old friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the internet Dr. Trust who help people with the relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contact him, he helped me cast a spell and within 24hours my husband came back to me and started apologizing, now he has stopped going out with ladies and he his with me for good and for real. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship or marriage problem at Goodluck

Anonymous said...

Hello to the world at edge,

I want you to hear a good testimony of the great love Dr Odige of who help me on my time of problems,
My name is Joyce and i am from France and i am married with 2kids and i had a lovely family before before all the problem i want to share with you happened,my husband use to be very caring and lovely to me and my kids and we were very happy with each other,until a day and we where having a dinner in one of the restaurant in our state and their was a lady who was sitting close to us and i never knew she was interested to have my husband and due to i was with my husband she could not do anything there then after that day,my husband started to maltreat us at home not knowing that he his seeing that lady until a friend came to told me and i confirm it my self it really hurt due to the love we shared before,it really affected me until a friend who came from Africa told me about the powers of Africa spell Doctors specially Dr Odige of,even if i did not believe in spell i had nothing but to try and to my greatest surprise my husband came back home and beg me and now we are living more happy than before please you all should come together and thanks these great Dr Odige of,He can also help you if you believe in him and these is contact,thanks thanks once again

Anonymous said...

smith said...

I have been to a lot of other spell casters with no results before both
during the casting of my spell. Never in my life had I experienced a
powerful energy like the one I felt after you started your work. I'm glad I
found you Dr odulami I wish I had come here first. I write to thank you
and tell everyone out there that your spell worked and my boyfriend came
back to me after all this time. I feel a lot better since then and I could
not be happier as I look forward to get married to him contact him if you
need help in any area of your life via:

Unknown said...

I am Shana, wants to say a big thank you thank you thank you to Dr Ejemen spell for everything To everyone who doesn’t believe in spell, I was one of those ones at first. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do this since I’ve tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read through the testimonies of other people at this website and after I talked to Dr Ejemen who answered all my questions and was very nice and sincere about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my guy back. So my story is that I was at my office when the guy I am in love with told me that he wasn’t in love with me and never will be and that he didn’t want to speak or see me again, especially since he was talking to this other girl. When I talked to Dr Ejemen about it, he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the ones that was to get him back to me and stay with me and want to marry me.As soon as he started on the spells, my guy came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful for that. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what Dr Ejemen said would happen. He’s always there when you need him,you can contact him via email

Unknown said...

My Name is Lee Kima, From United Kingdom. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr.USMAN KERIM has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email( then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr.USMAN KERIM for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) Herbal care

Ann said...

I am Sarah from UK I want testify of how i got my ex back; ever since we had misunderstanding he hasn’t been calling me and i tried calling him but often do bounce my calls till my friend told me about a spell caster in the internet Dr Oduduwa who casts spells on diverse kind of issues like; getting back your ex, making your business grow fast, life success, prosperity spell etc. When i contacted him, he told me he needs to do some rituals on my own and and cast a reunion spell on him that after a week 7 days my ex guy came begging for mercy… Am so happy! Visit Dr Oduduwa at now! This isn’t a scam i thought it was before but now am a testimonial you can experience d same… Wish you the best and Goodluck!!

Ann said...

I am Ann from UK I want testify of how i got my ex back; ever since we had misunderstanding he hasn’t been calling me and i tried calling him but often do bounce my calls till my friend told me about a spell caster in the internet Dr Oduduwa who casts spells on diverse kind of issues like; getting back your ex, making your business grow fast, life success, prosperity spell etc. When i contacted him, he told me he needs to do some rituals on my own and and cast a reunion spell on him that after a week 7 days my ex guy came begging for mercy… Am so happy! Visit Dr Oduduwa at now! This isn’t a scam i thought it was before but now am a testimonial you can experience d same… Wish you the best and Goodluck!!

Unknown said...

my names are Sandra Collins i am here to testify the good deeds that DR. OBHIOGUN did for me. i was having a serious fever. though i did treatment, the fever never went off, i was asked to go for cancer check-up, because fever is one of the signs of cancer. quickly i went for check-up.i was told that i have a blood cancer. i was filled with sorrow, i felt that i was am going to die soon, i was told of a great spell caster, DR. OBHIOGUN who can cure any disease, i collected his email, i emailed him quickly, and he told me that i should not bother myself, that all my problems are over, he asked me to buy some items which i did faithfully, then he told me that after casting the spell i should go for screening which i did afterwards, i was screened there was nothing in me again i was cleansed totally, i am free, am having a peaceful life, if you are passing through hardship, or you have any disease you can email him on he is waiting to help many people that comes to him.

Unknown said...

hello reader. my name is, Cherie Jane. I just want to say a big thanks to dr gaba for his absolute work over my life. two weeks after my fiancy propose to me that he his going to marry me, their was a girl from Indian that was charming my fiancy,my fiancy was so much in love with her more than me i his true lover. So i was confuse not knowing what to do, so when i called him he is no longer picking my calls, when ever i send him love gifts, i think that is even worsting the case. seen me is like he has seen his greatest enemy on earth. but one day i came in contact with this wonderful spell caster at Who made my fiancy to know that am his true lover but not that India girl that was using love magic on him.all thanks to dr gaba for his work well don.with the help of Dr Gaba, so next month we are getting married as husband and wife. the world need trusted spell caster like dr gaba. all thanks to dr gaba once more you can as well seek help from him at thank you dr gaba.

Unknown said...

I never knew people still have powers and make things happened this way.
my name is Michelle Sonia, am from American. my boyfriend Carlos Wilson left me for
another girl for three months’ ever since then my life have been filled
with pains, sorrow and heart break because he was my first love who This
virgin me when i was 21 years old about two years ago. A friend of mine,
Melinda told me he saw some testimonies of this great Dr AYEWA that he
can bring back lover within some few days. i laugh it out and said i am
not interested but because of the love my friend had for me, she consulted
the great priest on my behalf and to my greatest surprise after four days
my boyfriend called me for the very first time after three months that he
is missing me and that he is so sorry for every thing he made me went
through. i still can’t believe it,is highly unbelivable because it just too real to be real.
Thank you so much Dr AYEWA for bringing back my lover and also to my lovely friend
who interceded on my behalf, for any one who might need the help of this
great priest here is the email adderss

Unknown said...

Hello the world, my name is April Powell, i just want to share my experience and testimony here.. i was married for 10 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the picture he started hating me and he was abusive. but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost then he filed for divorce my whole life was turning apart and i didn't know what to do he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids that we have, so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster name Dr Johnson, so i decided to try it reluctantly. although i didn't believe in all those things then when he did the special prayers and spell, after 3 days, my husband came back and was pleading for my forgiveness that he had realized his mistakes I just couldn't believe it anyway we are back together now and we are happy in case anyone needs this man, his email address his spells is for a better life.

My name is Sam from USA I was in need of help trying to get the love of my life back. I did something and cheated on my girlfriend and she left me 12 months ago and said she will never forgive me or give me another try. We had a 6 month old baby together and she has took him as well.contacting a spell caster inst something i would normally do but i tried anything that would bring my lover and my child back because my life was empty without them. This faithful day i saw a post of lady testifying about how DR Johnson brought back her ex and i decided to contact him after 48hrs my lover called me and told me she had forgiven me and that she was coming back home was so happy and been happy since then. Using this testimony to say a big thank you to the greatest spell caster in the world Dr Johnson and also as a recommendation for other people to contact him if they need help because he is a truthful and trust worthy man. This is his direct contact email: ..

Unknown said...

Hello To The World At Large,
I am Miss Wacks.,From united states of America.I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was binging to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS JOHN YIYI ORACLE TEMPLE.My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is : ,This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost ok..Thanks
Miss Wacks.

Unknown said...

Elizabeth Morales Says

Am giving this testimony cos am happy

My name is Elizabeth Morales from Houston,taxes.i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa in June 28th 2013 this year on a business summit. i ment a man called DR JOHN YI YI. He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love’s gone,misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job.i’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years… i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to taxes, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do… well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid,and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email address:

GREAT JOHN YI YI i thank you very much thank you in 1000000 times.. if not you i would have been losted and wasted thank you. Email Him Through his email address...

please make sure you contact him for any financial difficulties okay..

What a powerful man such as DR JOHN YI YI.. he is so much powerful..\\ email him for any difficulties..

Unknown said...

I m ANGELINA from RUSSIA,My ex lover now [husband] is back and we are happily married with kids and i m here to gave thanks and appreciation to Dr MAXI the spell caster of for all the time He stood by me,for all the truth He make me see,for all the happiness He brought into my life,for all the wrongs He make right,for every of my dreams He make come through and for the help i found in Him,i am grateful and thankful unto Him,He was the one that helped me all,He never let me fall,He was the one that saw me through it all,He was .my source of strength when i was weak,He was my voice when i couldn`t speak,He was my eyes when i couldn`t see,He saw the pain wasn`t good for me,He lifted me were i couldn`t reach,i m everything i m today because You helped me,i m so happy my husband is back in my life at last,His email is,A temple were sorrows are dropped and happiness is gain in return.

Jane Terry said...

I'm sharing this testimony because someone out there might
have same problem,Am very happy today because i was having a
sleepless night since the only man i have ever love in my life left
me for another girl,trying to get him back i met this testimony
of a Woman called Becky and she said somebody called Dr Eziza
helped her to bring back her lover. i took a leaps of faith and
contacted Dr Eziza and he also brought back the only man i have
ever love to me. I'm so happy sharing this testimony,contact Dr
Eziza in his email:

Anonymous said...

My name is Vanessa am here to testify the great work of doctor OTUOBALLA,OTUOBALLA is a powerful spell caster who helped me in getting the love of my life back,i and my boyfriend were in a relationship for over 10 years since our high school days we live and grow up together as one we love and care for each other so much,we assist each other in time of problems and financial needs i love him with the most deepest part of my heart i never thought that any thing could happened between both of us,so after schooling we graduated same year we were both working and we earn good money monthly the most surprising part of it was that my boyfriend never thought of we getting marry in mind i thought that is not yet time for that,because we love each other in my believe he can never betrayed me,so few years back i travel to USA to pay my uncle a visit i spent 2 months their so when i return i discovered that my boyfriend is having an affair with some one else this person am talking about happen to be his manager in the company were he works so i believe she most have use her money and her fiances to get him,i feel the world was over for me because they were even planning to get marry very soon i was confuse i don't know what to do because i can't afford to loose him to another woman after 14 years of our relationship so now is time for we to come together as one family bring up our children together now he what to live me and go for another how can i love again? i was about drugging my self to death one day i feat sick my parents took me to the hospital for treatment i spent 3 days in the hospital the doctor said to my parents that am under going a broken heart through the hands of a trusted love one,i latter head that my ex boyfriend and his new lover are about getting married,i cried day and night every day of my life i feel like living this world because i don't have any reason living again on this planet called earth,one day the nurse that was taking care of me when i was in the hospital came to visit me at home i told her all my stories about my broken heart from a trusted lover,she feel petty for me and she advise me,she introduce me to an online spell caster called DOCTOR OTUOBALLA who also help her when she was having problem in her marriage,i followed DOCTOR OTUOBALLA online and i obeyed him and i did every thing he ask me to do he is a kind man and he is harmless,DOCTOR OTUOBALLA cast a spell for me after 7 days my ex boyfriend came back to me and beg me for forgiveness,so 2 months latter we got married as am talking to you all now we are the best couple so far,spell is real and there are still real spell caster,all thanks to DOCTOR OTUOBALLA,if you need his help you can email him with this email:

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone my mouth is full of testimony i will not have believe a spell caster in my life till i was help by Dr voodoo I have been married four 2years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 1years until i meet a post where this man Dr voodoo have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my lover Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make every one of you in similar to met with this man and have your lover back to your self. His email:

Unknown said...

I am Miss Precious from USA, I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my boyfriend return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank OGBU BABA for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is real and genuine. I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my boyfriend, I required help until i found a grate spell caster, And he cast a love spell for me, and he assured me that I will get my boyfriend back in two days after the spell has been cast. two days later, my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was my boyfriend who has not called me for past 3 years now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me. OGBU BABA released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. As I’m writing this testimony right now I’m the most happiest girl on earth and me and my fiance is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. So that’s why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe.All thanks goes to OGBU BABA for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as he has done mine for me, he will definitely help you too.

Unknown said...

Greetings to every body that is reading this testimony.

Me and my boyfriend were seriously in love for six years and we were planning to get married but one day he came to my house and told me he was no longer interested in our relationship simply because he was dating another rich lady who promise to buy him a car and to sponsor their wedding. And i suffer heartbreak for seven months and i was not tired of loving i take a bold step by contacting a spell caster who help me bring my ex boyfriend back. he is powerful and great his con
act is you can also contact him for help

Unknown said...

Dr EZIZA brought back my lover when others failed he is the
best spell caster on planet earth.
I had contacted several spell casters to help bring back my lover
after he left me and my son for 2 yrs and moved in with
another woman they usually promise and at the end fail.
2 weeks ago i was on the street and a lady was sharing this
hand bill so i collected one and the content was about this spell
caster that brought back her lover and also in the hand bill she
said she is sharing the hand bill to raise awareness that there
are still real spell casters and also as a way to thank the great
spell caster.
before i meet this lady who shared the hand bill had already given
up on spell casters because they only promise and fail so this
faithful day when i meet this lady and read the content of the
hand bill was like before a lady will share this hand bill on the
street it means the spell really works so contacted him and
after 24 hrs my whole story changed my husband who had left
without any reason came back.
using this post as my own hand bill to tell people how great DR.
EZIZA is and also to share his contact with the whole world.
his for your solutions or call

Anonymous said...

I am very happy, I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr Adodo has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, i was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self's but when i was unable to give he a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can't continue anymore then i was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email ( then you won't believe this when i contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month i miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr Adodo for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through this same kind of problems you can contact he today on his mail ( and he will also help you as well.

johnroserlin said...

i am giving this testimony cos l am happy

I never believe that there are people who can help people to get back there lover once,my husband who divorce me last year just because i was not having a children for him,so my husband never love me so my life was so bad,i did everything just to make him happy, he was not happy and i so much love him,so one day he came home angry and he told me that i should live is house that i can not given birth to a children that i should live is life that he had already call the lawyer that we are going to sign our divorce so when the lawyer came we sign the divorce,i now started living my life, so one day i was going to my friend place when i saw my old time friend,with are two kids when she now ask me about my kids and my husband tears fell off my eye she now ask me why was i crying what is the problem,she now told me to come to her house that we should talk about it,on Saturday i went to her house, when i told her all that happen,she smiled then i ask her, what is the problem that make her to smile or is she laughing at me she said no;that a man can help me to solve all this problem she said that prince ogbondu help her to get her husband back and make her to have children of her own so i told her that were is this man that can help people so she told me that this great man does not use black magic or voodoo power that this great man name prince ogbondu use Gods power to help people,she now call this great man for me we now talk on the phone, he now told me that he will call me later that he should do some prayer which he did and he call me and told me every thing that i should not worry that i am going to have children of my own he now said that my husband is going to call me back after 24hours,after the next 24hour my husband call me to come back to him that he will want me back again,now will are happy again in our marriage thanks to this great man prince ogbondu for his help and now i am three month pregnant i am the most happiest woman on this earth today thanks to him so if any body needs help contact him on his email or call him +2348070687763 once again thanks to this great man for the help and the miracle he did for me prince ogbondu you are great
Name:Walker roselin

Unknown said...

My name is CRYSTAL FOWL , am from dublin. i want to use this opportunity to
thank my great doctor who really made my life a pleasurable one today. This
great man DR.ORIOMON brought my husband back to me, i had 2 lovely kids for
my husband, about 3 years ago i and my husband has been into one qaurrel or
the other until he finally left me for one lady. i felt my life was over
and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be
stronge just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments
my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really
in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish
he would come back to me, until one day i met a good friend of mine that
was also in a situation like me but her problem was her ex-boyfriend who
she had an unwanted pregnancy for and he refused to take responsibility and
dumped her. she told me that mINE was a small case and that i shouldnt
worry about it at all so i asked her what was the solution to my problems
and she gave me this great man phone number and his email address. i was
doubting if this man was the solution, so contacted this great man and he
told me what to do and i deed them all, he told me to wait for just two day
and that my husband will come crawlling on his kneels just for forgiveness
so i faithfully deed what this great man asked me to do and for sure after
two days i heard a knock on the door, in a great suprise i saw him on his
kneels and i was speechless, when he saw me, all he did was crying and
asking me for forgiveness, from that day, all the pains and sorrows in my
heart flew away,since then i and my husband and our lovely kids are
happy.thats why i want to say a big thank you to DR.ORIOMON GRATE TEMPLE.
This great man made me to understand that theres no problem on earth that
has no solution so please if you know that you have this same problem or
any problem that is similar, i will advise you to come straight to this
great man. you can email him

james said...

my life is full of joy because Dr White asked me to be happy What happened to me is not what i can keep only to myself but to also tell the world so that those that were once like me will get there love ones back and been happy once again. I and my lover had some issues which leads to our break up since after then my life has never been the same i tried all method to get him back but they were just waste of effort and waste of time. But one day during my search on the internet i came across someone testimony about Dr.white was able to bring back my lover within 48hours. With the great thing that happened in my life i decided to tell the whole world about this great man called Dr white. For those in need of anything he told me that in his temple there is know impossibility now i believe him so much friends if you need help to bring back your ex lover kindly contact him via email: And i promise you that your lover will definitely be back to you.

michael said...

who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others said it was impossible. my name is Michael i live in Chicago i am happily married with two kids and a lovely wife something terrible happen to my family along the line, i lost my job and my wife packed out of my house because i was unable to take care of her and my kids at that particular time. i manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he took me to a spell caster and and the name of the temple is called, DR Okundonor, i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife will come back to me after the wonderful work of Dr Okundonorgreatspell, my wife came back to me and today i am one of the richest man in my country. i advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: and you will have the best result. take things for granted and it will be take from you. i wish you all the best.


Doreen said...

i have good news to share with the world today, i made a vow to my self that i will tell the world about Doctor Zaza after he helped me with his spell that made my wife and i settled our difference. We where both married for years without issue, we visited different hospitals but nor could help us. i loved my wife so much and never intended to drive her out for a second woman. One day as we where both deliberating on how to solve our bareness we got a new from a radio station that Doctor Zaza can put a stop to all problem with his spell so we called his mobile number and then emailed him for a solution and after all was done i and very glade to announce to the world that my wife had a set of twine 9 month later. Do you have problem of any kind and you think all hope is lost then you have a chance to met Doctor Zaza today for help his email is:

Amber said...

I just want to share my experience with the world on how Dr uwa help me, I got my love back and saved my marriage… I was married for 6years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time… it got worse at a point that he filed for divorce… I tried my best to make him change his mind & stay with me because I love him so much and don’t want to lose him but everything just didn’t work out… he moved out of the house because it was a rented apartment and still went ahead to file for divorce… I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out… I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly because I was desperate and left with no choice… He did special prayers and used roots and herbs… Within 7 days my husband called me and he said he was sorry for all the emotional trauma he had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child… I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news… Just thought I should share my experience because I strongly believe someone out there need’s it… You can email him through his email address

Anonymous said...

I wanted to take a minute to thank you Dr obodo for all of your work and effort. I requested a binding love spell and received the strengthen our relationship love spell as my free spell and within 3 days Sam was back and home with me and we are finally talking about marriage and kids! I cannot thank you enough for your spell casting services! I have already recommended two friends to you for help with their love lives!!!mail dr obodo @ or call +2348155425481

johnroserlin said...

my Names is john roselin,AM from usa.i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in June last year on a business summit i ment a man called PRINCE AYAWU, is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job i m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 4weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3 year i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try and in 6 days when i returned to Vancouver my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married i didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help his email address:


I am a student from Indian and I was crazily in love with my ex boyfriend who decided to leave me after 3 years if relationship. I was totally in love and found no hope at all, every time I would call he would not pick my calls or would just block my calls . Considering we are in different parts of the country I could not practically travel! I was shattered, then I decided to write to Dr Apo about my problem and asked him to cast a spell. Dr Apo was so great, he helped me out and I got a call from my ex and he coming to meet me in two days . Thank you Dr Apo without you my life, would have been a wretch! visit him to help you with your problems and worries at this email: APOLOVESPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM and he will help you out.....thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Hello I am Joy Micheal ,I am out here to spreed this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex lover back.I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month, But when i meet a friend that introduce me to DR GREAT OSOBA the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to DR GREAT OSOBA about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 2 days,My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR GREAT OSOBA at the following email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on: and get your problems solve like me..... ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS:

Anonymous said...

My name is Owen Chloe from United Kingdom I never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in February this year on a business summit. I meant a man who’s name is DR.ROBIN he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one’s gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 4 years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is

Wendy Joel said...

I am MISS FAITH,from London,United Kingdom.I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was binging to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS Dr. BRAVE.My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is : , or his mobile +2348072370762. This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost ok..Thanks

Mark said...

After I and my lover spent about 4 years together, my boyfriend told me that we can not be together. and already We were making ready ourselves to get married this year and I was very happy and absolutely ready to marry him. this breakup started when he went a little far from the city where I live, a year before. He found a good job out there. And he promised me to come back in one or two years. In the mean time, I found a job around his place (we take it as a good opportunity for us to start living together) but the company I worked for resist to leave me since I am a responsible person in the company. They offered me a very nice salary increment with huge responsibility of work. Then I told to my boyfriend I preferred to stay where I live and work, since, he has not a plan to live there forever. He was very upset at the moment... and ignored me totally. I tried to contact him but I can’t. Following so much effort he sends me a message saying "our relationship is over". I never expected such a thing to happen, so I got sick. Even after so much begging he allow me to see him, but told me the same thing that it is over. I asked him the real reason. He said, you never listened to me, you never gave me credit, and you disrespected me…..and so on. I never noticed such a thing in our relationship before, so I got shocked and couldn’t say a word in front of him. For me our relationship was perfect. And I really love him. I want to be with him. I send so many letters saying I’m sorry, I tried to contact him but there is no reply. I did everything to attract him and live with him forever but nothing was going through. so I needed a help on how to get my lover back. I had the feelling that he still loves me, though he did not say a word. I needed help seriously. I thought it will never possible to get him back and be the happy couple again? so when I read testimonies about SAMURATELLERSPELL100@YAHOO.COM I contacted him and he told me that my case is a simple one to solve, so after his consultation and casting of his spell my boyfriend emailed me telling me he was sorry for all that he did to me, that he is ready to marry me now, I was shocked, I never believed that GREAT SAMURA could make such thing to happen with his spell, today I am getting married to my boyfriend, and I will never forget this spell caster I will always talk about him anywhere I go angelina hocombe. Via +2348103508204

Unknown said...

My name is CRYSTAL FOWL , am from dublin. i want to use this opportunity to
thank my great doctor who really made my life a pleasurable one today. This
great man DR.ORIOMON brought my husband back to me, i had 2 lovely kids for
my husband, about 3 years ago i and my husband has been into one qaurrel or
the other until he finally left me for one lady. i felt my life was over
and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be
stronge just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments
my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really
in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish
he would come back to me, until one day i met a good friend of mine that
was also in a situation like me but her problem was her ex-boyfriend who
she had an unwanted pregnancy for and he refused to take responsibility and
dumped her. she told me that mINE was a small case and that i shouldnt
worry about it at all so i asked her what was the solution to my problems
and she gave me this great man phone number and his email address. i was
doubting if this man was the solution, so contacted this great man and he
told me what to do and i deed them all, he told me to wait for just two day
and that my husband will come crawlling on his kneels just for forgiveness
so i faithfully deed what this great man asked me to do and for sure after
two days i heard a knock on the door, in a great suprise i saw him on his
kneels and i was speechless, when he saw me, all he did was crying and
asking me for forgiveness, from that day, all the pains and sorrows in my
heart flew away,since then i and my husband and our lovely kids are
happy.thats why i want to say a big thank you to DR.ORIOMON GRATE TEMPLE.
This great man made me to understand that theres no problem on earth that
has no solution so please if you know that you have this same problem or
any problem that is similar, i will advise you to come straight to this
great man. you can email him

Unknown said...

am very happy to tell every one to hear my name is Miss mary. i have been
married four 4years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had
to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we
have suffered for 2years until i met a post where this man Dr. OKUKU have
helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my lover
back home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my
husband and after 48hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the
house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and
that is why i am happy to make every one of you in similar to met with this
man and have your lover back to your self. You can contact him with this

precious said...

My Life can be very displeasing especially when we loose the ones we love and cherish so much.My husband abandoned me and my 2 kids for 2 years he said he wanted new adventures.I asked what i had done wrong but he said nothing.He continued paying our bills but moved in with another woman i was so frustrated and a times i will cry all night because i needed my husband by my side. all thanks to, i was nearly loosing hope until i saw an article on how master james cast a love spell to make lovers come back. There is no harm in trying, i said to my self. i contacted him via email and after 24 hrs my story changed. words will not be enough to appreciate what he has done for me. i have promised to share the testimony as long as i live because he brought back happiness and joy into my life.If you having any kind of problem in your relationship and you need your man back i RECOMMEND master james .please do contact him directly on, Email him on:

Unknown said...

I want to testify about how DR ABU FATIMA bring back my husband who left home for two years to south Africa for a tourist, where he meet another woman and he was bewitch by the lady,my husband refuse to come back home again,i cry day and night looking for who to help me,i read a news paper about a powerful spell caster called DR ABU FATIMA and i contacted the spell caster to help me get my lover back to me and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods well fight for me.. he told me by mid-night when all the spirit is at rest he will cast a spell to reunite my lover back to me. and he did has he said 3 days after my husband com home and he was crying begging me am sorry. am so happy me and my are back for good. Thanks be to Dr ABU FATIMA. In case u need a good spell caster u can contact him on this email address or call +2348115201881

